The Computer Club has added a new Thursday evening session to accommodate residents who may work during the day. Stop in from 4 to 6 p.m. Bring your technology-related questions and problems to one of our Thursday open lab sessions at the computer lab, where our well-qualified experts will provide one-on-one help with your digital needs. We’re here to…
Tag: Quail Creek Computer Club
Front Page, December 2023
Computer Club Open House 2024
Joyce Shumate Mark your calendar for the QC Computer Club Open House on Jan. 13, 2024. The Open House will be held at the Creative Arts and Technology building between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The Quail Creek Computer Club’s mission is to provide its members with assistance, training, and education for their computing devices…
Clubs & Classes, November 2023
Quail Creek Computer Club General Meeting November 21
Joyce Shumate Plan on joining the Quail Creek Computer Club (QCCC) on Nov. 21 in the Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom at our new time, 6 p.m. This is our annual business meeting, where we will present three replacement board candidates for election and our latest Merlin Anderson Outstanding Contributor Award. Ongoing plea for help: As an all-volunteer organization, we…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
Computer Club New Website
Your Quail Creek Computer Club Board of Directors has been working hard over the summer months, especially Mike Dittl. The original website has been with the Computer Club since the club started. Many glitches needed fixing, but the overall program was just too much to fix. At our last general member meeting, it was put…
Clubs & Classes, February 2023
‘Help!’—The QC Computer Club Is Here
Learn how the Quail Creek Computer Club (QCCC) can help you on Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. in the Kino Center, Ocotillo Room. Club Vice President Walt Obremski’s presentation/discussion will provide information on the latest status of what the QCCC can do for you. It involves a level setting that each member should be aware of.…
Clubs & Classes, November 2022
QCCC Is Here to Help, and You Can, Too!

Walt Obremski The Quail Creek Computer Club (QCCC) has been assisting our members and the Quail Creek Community for more than 20 years. Our dedicated core volunteer staff have more than 200 years of cumulative information technology, electronic technology, computing, smart home, and networking experience. We have addressed thousands of problems brought to us by members and visitors.…
Clubs & Classes, January 2022
Computer Club Meeting and Award Presentation

The Quail Creek Computer Club held its monthly general meeting with a presentation and talk on Nov. 23. At the meeting, the Merlin Anderson Outstanding Contributor Award was given to Walt Obremski. This award, approved by the board of directors, recognizes significant and extended contributions to the Computer Club. Contributions should include working in the…
Clubs & Classes, October 2021
Cutting the Cord: A Presentation at the Computer Club September Meeting
On Sept. 21, the Quail Creek Computer Club held its monthly meeting and presentation which was open to all QC residents. More than 50 people attended. The evening started with a short business meeting consisting of a brief review of recent activities, a report on membership, and a treasurer’s report. Then Steve Sanford, who lives in…
Generals, December 2019
QC Computer Club meeting and award presentation

Jim Burkstrand The Quail Creek Computer Club held its monthly general meeting with a presentation and talk on Nov. 19. At the meeting, the Merlin Anderson Outstanding Contributor award was given to Philip Opdenbrouw and Harold Baker. This award, approved by the Board of Directors, recognizes significant and extended contribution to the Computer Club. Contributions…
Clubs & Classes, May 2019
Quail Creek Computer Club April presentation recap

On April 24, the Quail Creek Computer Club held its monthly meeting and presentation which was open to all QC residents. Over 80 people attended. The evening started with a short business meeting consisting of a brief review of last month’s activities, a report on membership and a treasurer’s report. Then James Goodall, who lives…