The Quail Creek Fights Back American Cancer Society Relay For Life team is offering sponsorship signs at the April 1 American Cancer Society Relay For Life event at Rancho Resort. The signs will be in honor of a cancer survivor or in memory of someone who lost their cancer battle. It is $100 for one…
Category: February 2023
Clubs & Classes, February 2023
Cancer Support Group Art Project Invitation
Anyone who has been impacted by cancer through their own cancer journey, is a caregiver, has lost a friend or relative to cancer, needs an outlet for their cancer stress, or is just looking for friends to visit with is invited to the Keno Conference Center meeting at 1 p.m. on March 13. Work on…
Generals, February 2023
Air Quality/Valley Fever Forum
The Green Valley Council is proud to present the following upcoming forum: What: Air Quality/Valley Fever Forum When: Feb. 16 at 10 a.m. Where: GVR East Social Center Why: The Pima County Department of Environmental Quality (PDEQ) will be presenting on everything you need to know about air quality in our community and will be on hand to answer any…
Clubs & Classes, February 2023
December PCQC Photo Contest: Open

Jim Burkstrand The Photo Club of Quail Creek (PCQC) continued with its monthly members’ contest with December being “open” topic, which basically meant that the photographer chose any topic or subject for themselves. Each club member could enter up to three photos taken in the last three years. This subject drew 32 photos with a…
Generals, February 2023
Celebrate Mardi Gras on February 21
Join us on Tuesday, Feb. 21, in the Madera Crystal Ballroom for a Mardi Gras celebration sponsored by Quail Creek and the Activities Council. The bar opens at 6 p.m., and the Little House of Funk band will perform from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Dress in your Mardi Gras best! Tickets are $12. All sales…
Generals, February 2023
Where in the World is the Crossing
Features, February 2023
Word of the Month: Abecedarian
David Zapatka Reader, friend, and fellow pickleball player Janie Blake-Zunino writes, “While reading Dancing with the Muse in Old Age by Priscilla Long, I read the word abecedarian and found it interesting.” Abecedarian abe·ce·dar·i·an noun a person who is just learning; a novice adjective 1. arranged alphabetically 2. rudimentary; elementary Origin and Etymology—abecedary “alphabet book, primer” (going back to…
Generals, February 2023
Announcing PAG’s Spring Play: Three Original One-Act Comedies
Front Page, February 2023
Shotokan Karate Club—Quail Creek Dojo

Have you ever thought about doing martial arts? Did you know you can right here in Quail Creek?! Classes are now available, and you can learn the traditional Japanese martial art known as Shotokan Karate. Yep, right in our gym. You not only learn self-defense, but you will develop confidence, balance, discipline, and concentration in…
Sports, February 2023
Fitness in the ’80s Pickleball Round Robin

Roxanne Housley Sixty-four enthusiastic pickleball players warmed up to “Footloose” and “Let’s Get Physical,” led by Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons, aka Laura and Steve McMurtry. Following the six-game round robin, players and nonplayers enjoyed an enchilada lunch. Prizes are always a highlight, especially this month with three lucky players winning private lessons with Sharon…