Old friendships were renewed and new friendships formed when the Nurses of Quail Creek gathered for the first time since pre-COVID. Future meetings will be monthly on the third Tuesday of the month for now with the focus on education, socializing, sharing food, and having fun. Communication will be by email, with a future conversion…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
Quail Creek Dojo Holds Seminar!

Shari Rodgers On Sept. 17 the Quail Creek Dojo held a seminar with Shihan Kousaku Yokota at the Undisputed Training Center in Green Valley. On the evening prior to the seminar, the Quail Creek Dojo met at the Quail Creek Grill to enjoy dinner. Our Quail Creek participants at both events were Sensei Stan Herum,…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
Supporting Cancer Survivors

Carolyn Good The Quail Creek Needlework Club offers support for those who have undergone cancer treatment with our Knitted Knockers and cancer hats. Knitted Knockers are special handmade breast prostheses for women who have undergone mastectomies or other procedures. Traditional prosthetics are usually expensive, heavy, sweaty, and uncomfortable. These are soft, comfortable alternatives that come…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
Computer Club New Website
Your Quail Creek Computer Club Board of Directors has been working hard over the summer months, especially Mike Dittl. The original website has been with the Computer Club since the club started. Many glitches needed fixing, but the overall program was just too much to fix. At our last general member meeting, it was put…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
Borderlandia Founder to Speak at Democratic Club Meeting October 21
Deb Melton Alex La Pierre, founder of Borderlandia, a binational organization committed to building public understanding of the borderlands, is coming to Quail Creek and will speak to the Democratic Club on Oct. 21 at 3 p.m. in the Mesquite Room at the Kino Conference Center. Alex moved to Southern Arizona as a National Park…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
Ancient Adriatic Treasures—Let’s Travel Club
Joyce Shumate Come to the Let’s Travel Club meeting on Oct. 20 at 2 p.m. to hear from Jerry Gardner about his adventure from Venice to Istanbul. Jerry is a Quail Creek resident and thoroughly planned this trip for himself and his partner Troy. Learn how he planned this memorable trip, what their itinerary was,…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
Pilot to Recount His Experiences Flying on 9/11

Peggy McGee Quail Creek resident and retired Trans World Airline (TWA) pilot David Friel will be the keynote speaker at the Green Valley Chapter, Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 25. The luncheon will be held in the Madera Room in La Vista on the La Posada campus. A social period…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
August PCQC Photo Contest—Weathered Wood

The Photo Club of Quail Creek (PCQC) continued with its monthly members’ contest, with August having the topic of “weathered wood.” Each club member could enter up to three photos taken in the last year. This subject was a more difficult one for the members and drew only 21 entries. All the photos can be seen…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
TWOQC In My Kitchen Event Makes Instant Pot Chowder!

Jane Gold The Women of Quail Creek’s (TWOQC’s) small group, In My Kitchen, held another successful event on Sept. 11, hosted by the group lead, Pam Hartwell-James. The menu was a delicious and super-easy Instant Pot corn chowder served with honey cornbread. In attendance were Pam Hartwell-James, Cathy Ollman, DeeDee McKee, Marjorie Williams, Trisha Tubbs,…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
Teachers ‘Showered’ by TWOQC

Peggy McGee The Women Of Quail Creek’s (TWOQC’s) Community Outreach Committee “showered” 23 teachers at Sahuarita Elementary School with construction paper, dry-erase supplies, scissors, markers, copy paper, construction paper, and many other items that they routinely use throughout the school year. Most educators purchase these essential items using personal funds. Each teacher got a Starbucks gift…