Peggy McGee It is summertime, so the Lady Putters teams are smaller than usual, but still there was cause for celebration when all three team members scored a hole-in-one on hole number 7.
Tag: Lady Putters
Sports, August 2021
Patriotic Putters
Sports, August 2021
Putters Celebrate Christmas in July
Peggy McGee For July, the morning air was refreshingly cool as the Lady Putters gathered to help the Green Valley Food Bank—and putt, of course. It was time for their annual Christmas in July event, so the ladies were clad in holiday attire and came bearing gifts—of groceries, 169 pounds worth. They also donated $960…
Sports, July 2021
Lady Putters “Family” Reunion
Sports, March 2021
Lady Putters Get Putting Lessons from a Pro
Front Page, January 2021
Lady Putters Showed Christmas Spirit
Peggy McGee Even though they have not been able to putt together as a group for over nine months, the Lady Putters decided to continue their holiday tradition of helping the Green Valley/Amado Food Bank. Putters president Janet Wegner set up the food bank drop point in her driveway, where she greeted the ladies clad in…
Sports, January 2021
Putters Hoping for a Better 2021
Peggy McGee The Quail Creek Lady Putters (QCLP) have been gearing up for the new year with the hope they will soon be able to putt as a group. In preparation for that day, a small group of masked putters met on the putting green to devise some ways that the ladies could putt, maintain social distancing,…
Sports, October 2020
Putters News
Peggy McGee Even though the Putters have had very limited income this year because of COVID-19, they have not forgotten the needs of the local community. In addition to what individual members donated, the club hit its checking account and donated $200 to the Green Valley Food Bank in April, and another $150 in July. In…
Sports, October 2020
Putters Are Staying Busy
Peggy McGee The Lady Putters are still reporting how they have been spending their time in the seven months during which they have not been able to putt. Lydia Lukins, the last winner of the Coveted Quail award for a low net score before the pandemic hit, headed back to Washington for the summer. There she…
September 2020, Sports
What Lady Putters Do When They Can’t Putt
Peggy McGee The last time the Lady Putters were all together to putt was March 11. What were they doing with their time now that they weren’t on the putting green every Wednesday? After a very unofficial, non-scientific survey was sent out, not one of the respondents said “practicing putting.” If this continues, everyone in…