Liz Livingston Greetings from the Amalfi Coast, Italy. John and Liz Livingston on their Mediterranean WindStar cruise in September.
Marilu Trainor Yes, it’s that time of the year to drag out the boxes of holiday lights. These pretty decorations don’t come without risk, though. Falls, electrocution, and shorting out are real possibilities. With proper preparation and safe practices, you can avoid those dangerous situations while decorating. “We respond to calls that involve falls from…
Monday, Jan. 10 The Starlets: Song hits from the ‘50s and ‘60s (TAD) https://tadmgmt.com/talent/starlets Monday, Jan. 24 AOR: When FM Ruled the World 1980s (TAD) https://tadmgmt.com/talent/aor Monday, Feb. 7 You Make My Dreams Come True: A Tribute to Hall & Oates (KDE) Monday, Feb. 21 You’re the One: A Tribute to Blood, Sweat & Tears (KDE) Monday, March 7 The…
It all started in 2015 when he won the Quail Creek Karaoke Contest. You see, Dan O’Rourke was staying in Quail Creek with his parents for the summer as he transitioned into a new career. His parents somewhat coerced him into participating in the contest. During the night of the contest finale, several QC residents…
Quail Creek QCMGA 2-Man Scramble PYP, October 12 Silver Flight 1: 1st Skip Byron and Robert Macleod, 64; 2nd Jerald Gunn and Jay Thompson, 67; 3rd Jock Olson and Greg Dinnocenti, 67 Silver Flight 2: 1st Robin Barnes and Tracey Austell, 65; 2nd Rick Wagner and Craig Smith, 66; 3rd Ralph Scafuri and Craig Parsons,…
Steve and Laura McMurtry Laura McMurtry, PharmD, CDE, CF L1/L2, RYT 200 Yoga Instructor, NASM CPT, BLS/CPR/AED, SSC Laura has been in Quail Creek since February 2019 when she started working at Anza Fitness Center. She then became a resident. She has more than 20 years of experience as a certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, and certified diabetes…
Daryl Laux Please note that some of our offices will be closed or have limited hours in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. QCPOA Administrative Office Thanksgiving Day – Closed Friday, Nov. 26 – Closed Monday, Nov. 29 – Open normal hours Architectural & Landscape Committee–No permits issued this week Thanksgiving Day – Closed Committee meetings resume…
Benjamin Castro, Food and Beverage Director Hello Residents of Quail Creek, Back in July 2019, we implemented a staff recognition program to acknowledge those who have gone above and beyond. Each quarter there are two employees chosen by management; one front of the house and one back of the house staff member. At the end…
Sharon Pulcinella As the days shorten and evenings cool, our snowbirds return ready to enjoy all that Green Valley has to offer during the fall and winter months. For members of The Women of Quail Creek (TWOQC), this includes reconnecting with old friends at luncheons, programs, and small group events. TWOQC’s On-the-Go group (led by…
Friday, Jan. 7 Down On The Corner: Creedence Clearwater Revival Tribute (KDE) Friday, Jan. 21 Corrie Sachs: Las Vegas Showroom Tribute to Reba (TAD) https://tadmgmt.com/talent/corrie-sachs Friday, Feb. 4 December ’63: Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons (TAD) https://tadmgmt.com/talent/d63 Friday, Feb. 18 Spinphony: Electric String Quartet (TAD) https://tadmgmt.com/talent/spinphony Friday, March 4 Whitney Houston: The Evolution of an Icon (KDE) Friday,…