Category: Front Page

Front page articles

Thanksgiving Holiday Family Golf Clinic

Ryan Denton This Thanksgiving holiday week, Quail Creek Golf Director Josh Wilks opened the Quail Creek golf training center for the very first holiday family training clinic. Led by Quail Creek assistant golf pro Nano Vasquez and local resident golf guru Skip Byron, 17 family members from Colorado, Texas, and Arizona gathered to learn golf…

19th Annual Quail Creek Business Expo

The 2025 Business Expo, sponsored by the Quail Creek Performing Arts Guild, will be held on Saturday, Feb. 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Madera clubhouse and adjacent parking lot. The always-popular Business Expo showcases almost 70 businesses of all types. There will be vendors to help you with home improvement or…

Residents Played Bunco for a Great Cause

Connie Vaughan When Sue Ann Obremski, president of Caring Hearts & Hands of Quail Creek, mentioned to her neighbor Beth La Rose that our Quail Creek community was once again buying Christmas gifts for Lapan students and that Caring Hearts was providing meals for their needy families, Beth said, “Let’s do bunco, too!” Beth invited…

Putt vs. Putt

Peggy McGee On Oct. 30, just in time for a pre-Halloween celebration, the SaddleBrooke Ranchette Putters traveled south to join the Quail Creek Putters in the annual friendly competition between the two clubs. Each of the five-lady teams had representatives from both clubs. The first place team with a score of 242 included Quail Creek…

Quail Creek Women Chip in for Charity

Cyndi Hoover What a wonderful event—again! On Nov. 14 the Ladies 18-Hole Golf Association, the Ladies 9-Holers, and the Lady Putters came together to sponsor this annual community-wide event, which included a fun format golf play and a wonderful luncheon in the Madera ballroom. More than 165 women participated in this event! Through the generosity…

Quail Creek Library for All Residents

Alphie Smith The Quail Creek Library at the Madera clubhouse maintains its status as one of the most appreciated amenities at Quail Creek. All residents are welcome to borrow books, jigsaw puzzles, and magazines to enjoy at their own pace and return them to the book carts when they are done. There is no check-out…

In My Kitchen in October Was All About Pumpkins!

Pam Hartwell-James Frannie Vanslow was our hostess for this amazing day celebrating all things fall and all things pumpkin. And the menu spared no expense in the “all things pumpkin” category! There were pumpkin waffles, pumpkin bread, pumpkin soup, pumpkin chili, pumpkin liqueur for the coffee, pumpkin candy, and pumpkin dump cake—Wow! And I might…

On-The-Go in the Garden

Carol Michels The Women of Quail Creek’s On-The-Go Group recently enjoyed a visit to the Master Gardener Pima County Cooperative Extension facility in Green Valley. Jennie Gaines and Carol Michels hosted this fabulous event. We had many questions answered about our desert plants, flowers, and vegetables. This was particularly helpful to those who were not…

Science Club Goes to the Flandrau

Ted Myrick The Science Club traveled to the University of Arizona Flandrau Science Center & Planetarium on Sept. 13 for a “Big Astronomy” program. It was a video journey to three world-class observatories in Chile’s rugged Andes Mountains and arid Atacama Desert—remote, extreme regions that happen to have the perfect conditions for astronomical research. Along…