QCLGA Interclub Event at San Ignacio

Janet Johnson On Aug. 2, eight qualifying members of the Quail Creek Ladies Golf Association participated in their last of five spring/summer Interclub Stableford formatted events. This final event was played at San Ignacio Golf Course with many ladies enjoying lunch afterwards at the Coyote Grill. These Interclub golf events are a great way to…

Save the Date—Team It Up for Charity November 3

Carol Saferin The Quail Creek Ladies Golf Association (QCLGA), QC9LA, and the Lady Putters are hosting a fun day of golf, food, and charitable giving. “Team It Up for Charity” will be held on Nov. 3. Each organization will be holding a golf event, followed by a luncheon at the Madera Clubhouse. The luncheon is…

QCLGA Results

QCLGA Net T.E.N.S, June 30 Janet Johnson Only the holes starting with a T, E, and N count. Flight 1: 1st Sonia Heeren, 30; 2nd Karen Stensrud, 33; 3rd (tie) Janet Johnson and Jan Scissons, 34 Flight 2: 1st Radie Haytack, 30; 2nd Sherry Morris, 31; 3rd (tie) Roz Harrison and Jacquie Owens, 33 Flight…

QCLGA Results

QCLGA Low Gross, June 23 Janet Johnson Flight 1: 1st (tie) Jan Scissons and Elle Cashel, 87 Flight 2: 1st Sonia Heeren, 87; 2nd (tie) Roz Harrison and Terri Bacon, 88 Flight 3: 1st Kathy Brogdon, 92; 2nd Kathy Stotz, 98 Flight 4: 1st Kathy Printz, 98; 2nd Linda Klaus, 100 QCLGA PYP 2-Person Stableford,…

QCLGA Two-Day Team Challenge

Janet B. Johnson Thirty-six ladies played in our very fun and exciting Two-Day Team Challenge. We were blessed with a couple of beautiful, sunny days. The Par-Tee Girls, dressed in pink, played match play against The Birdie Babes, dressed in blue. Most of the players gathered for lunch on The Grill patio awaiting the team…

First QCLGA Eagle for Dena

Dena Knox had an eagle on Feb. 17 on number 9 Coyote, 122 yards, with Bobbie Jo Rathvon, Maureen Brealey, and Barb Mossmon as witnesses. This is Dena’s first eagle playing with the Quail Creek Ladies Golf Association.

QCLGA 18-Hole Ladies Association Championship Event in March

The Quail Creek Ladies Golf Association (GCLGA) Presidents Cup and QCLGA Club Championship is scheduled to be held this year on Thursday, March 17, Tuesday, March 22, and Thursday, March 24. This is the second year in a row for this new, combined event. We are looking forward to many ladies participating in this three-day event, now called…

QCLGA Results

QCLGA Two-Day Eclectic and Del Sud Event, February 10 and 17 Flight 1: 1st Barb Mossman, -7; 2nd Karen Stensrud, -4; 3rd Bobbie Jo Rathvon, -3 Flight 2: 1st Janet Johnson, -5; 2nd Theresa Stein, +1 Flight 3: 1st Maureen Brealey, -6; Dena Knox, -6 Flight 4: 1st Brenda Allred, -5; 2nd Kathy Linn, -3;…

QCLGA Results

QCLGA Ts and Fs Leaderboard, January 20 Debbie Scott Flight 1: 1st Sherry Morris; 2nd Barb Mossman Flight 2: 1st Debbie Scott; 2nd (tie) Peg Avent, Carol Hocking Flight 3: 1st Sandi Hrovatin; 2nd (tie) Sharon Schoen, Karen Guinn; 4th (tie) Linda Klaus, Sharon Schoen Flight 4: 1st Phyllis O’Brien; 2nd Ilene Olson; 3rd Kathy…

QCLGA Members Enjoy a Festive Holiday Luncheon

Along with the holiday festivities, Deb Riddell organized a fun day of golf. She hid elves on the course, and the lucky ladies who found them received gift bags. We also celebrated the ladies who excelled throughout the year on the course. This year, we are so proud of Bobbi Jo Rathvon who not only…