Category: October 2022

Save the Date—Team It Up for Charity

Carol Saferin The Quail Creek Ladies Golf Association, Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association (QC9LGA), and the Lady Putters are hosting a charity event on Nov. 3. Each organization will be holding a golf event, followed by a luncheon at the Madera Clubhouse. The luncheon is open to members who are playing, as well as anyone else…

November Cancer Benefit Garage Sale Canceled

The cancer benefit garage sale, which the Quail Creek Fights Back Relay For Life team holds each year to raise dollars for the American Cancer Society, is being called off. Because of health reasons, the owners of the home where the sale was to take place would not be able to process the many generous…

Overseeding Update

The grass in common area turf (including the medians) was scalped over the past several weeks in preparation for the winter rye grass overseeding. The planting of the rye grass is called overseeding because you are planting rye seed over the existing Bermuda. Over the course of the next several weeks, you will notice an…

Welcome Back from the Anza!

Don Beaver, Director of Fitness, Anza Athletic Center It’s that time of year when all of our Quail Creek neighbors are returning, and the pace of activity in our community is livelier than ever. As a result of this increased number of residents and the anticipated increased participation at the Anza, a number of modifications…

TWOQC Informational Meet & Greet November 14

You’re invited to The Women Of Quail Creek’s (TWOQC) Informational Meet & Greet on Monday, Nov. 14, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom. The Meet & Greet is open to all women residents of Quail Creek (TWOQC members and nonmembers). Come meet some fun ladies and learn how you can…

Mixed Chorus Concert October 23

Cyndy Gierada It’s de-lightful, it’s de-licious, it’s de-lovely. Please join us on Sunday, Oct. 23, at 4 p.m. for a special concert. We will have songs to make your heart sing! The chorus has perfected numbers by Cole Porter, Burt Bacharach, and the 4 Lads. A special number, “Sing Gently,” composed by Eric Whitacre, was…

About the Loyalty Rewards Program

You will receive a $25 Loyalty Reward toward future purchases for every $250 of food and alcohol charged to your member card in the restaurant. Tax and gratuity do not count towards the loyalty rewards. This is an electronic credit that is linked to your member card, not a physical gift card. When redeeming the…

Art in the Park

Join us at Art in the Park, sponsored by Green Valley Gardeners, on Friday, Oct. 21, and Saturday, Oct. 22, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Desert Meadows Park located at 999 S. La Huerta, Green Valley. There will be art booths, food trucks, music, Green Valley Gardeners Fall Plant Sale, and a Silent…

General Manager’s Report

The Quail Creek Property Owners Association (POA) will be conducting an election starting later this month, which will allow each property owner the opportunity to elect (1) candidate to the POA Board of Directors. There will be an opportunity to meet the three candidates at the Oct. 16 or Oct. 17 “Meet the Candidates” forum. *…

Deadline Reminder and How to Submit an Article

The deadline for the November edition is Oct. 26 by 4 p.m. Please send your submission on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to or use our website: For article and photo guidelines or if you have questions, please call 480-895-4216.