8-Ball: QCBC’s In-House Tournament for December

Mike Ohrel and Alphie Smith Eleven members of the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) met on Dec. 7 in the Billiards Room of the Madera clubhouse to play the game of 8-ball. An abbreviated double-elimination matchup allowed the competitors to finish right at lunchtime. After a first-match loss, a player is moved into a loser’s…

QCBC Travel Team Competes with Voyager

Dennis Desmond and Alphie Smith Sometimes playing with friends makes a tournament successful. The Travel Team of the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) ventured to Voyager RV Resort in Tucson (Kolb Road, south of I-10) on Dec. 14. QCBC and Voyager competed together in the game of 8-ball. The outcome was Voyager, who won 28…

QCBC Pizza Party

Alphie Smith The Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) held their second Pizza Party on Nov. 11 in the late afternoon. It was a beautiful day to enjoy pizza and the camaraderie of fellow billiards enthusiasts. The event was held at the pickleball courts ramada. About 35 members and spouses attended to eat pizza and cookies,…

QCBC In-House 10-Ball Tournament

Mike Ohrel and Alphie Smith On Nov. 2 the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) sponsored the next tournament in the series, 10-ball. There was a lighter than usual turnout, with only 10 QCBC members participating. The QCBC leadership has created a new playoff bracket which allows an abbreviated double-elimination matchup. After your first match loss,…

QCBC Travel Team Hosts GVR

Dennis Desmond and Alphie Smith The Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) continues to challenge other billiards clubs in its Southern Arizona monthly matches. The latest tournament for QCBC was with Green Valley Recreation (GVR). The QCBC Travel Team, organized by Dennis Desmond, always enjoys its matchups with GVR. The game of 8-ball between the two…

In-House QCBC 9-Ball Tournament

Mike Ohrel and Alphie Smith On Oct. 5 the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) sponsored the next tournament in its series: the game of 9-ball. The club had another good turnout, with 12 members competing. The QCBC leadership has created a new play-off bracket, which allows matches to get done faster than in past tournaments.…

In-House QCBC 8-Ball Tournament

Mike Ohrel and Alphie Smith On Sept. 7 the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) held its next in-house tournament in its series of revolving games of pool billiards. September was the month for 8-ball, and 12 QCBC members participated. Members of the QCBC Board facilitated the event. The players were able to experience a tournament…

July’s 9-Ball Tournament in the Billiards Room

Mike Ohrel and Alphie Smith The Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) hosted their in-house 9-Ball Tournament on July 6 in the Billiards Room at the Madera clubhouse. Ten members of QCBC showed up to play the fun and fast game of 9-ball. The winner was Kay Mertes. Second place went to Bob Coulter. Mike Ohrel…

Billiards—A Great Way to Beat the Heat

Jerry Dirks and Alphie Smith, Quail Creek Billiards Club For the love of the game of pool, men and women join the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) to improve their skills, to challenge themselves, and to socialize with those who share their passion. QCBC promotes fellowship and good sportsmanship among club members and provides a…