Jerry and Linda Olsen opened their home to Unit 22, and 77 people showed up for the Oktoberfest party. Bill and William Foraker and John Tubbs played to entertain the unit for two hours. And a good time was had by all while line dancing.
On Oct. 2 the Robson Ranch BBQ Showdown took place with all five Robson communities who came together to compete for the best BBQ. This was our first annual event that we look forward to enjoying every year. This year we helped raise $2,500 for Patriot PAWS, an organization that trains and provides service dogs…
Sept. 28 was the club’s monthly luncheon held in the Madera Clubhouse Ballroom. Joining our Democratic Club of Quail Creek (DCQC) women were members from Green Valley Democrats. Our gathering was extra special because the focus included a presentation about Clothed in Compassion, a program of Eagle’s Wings of Grace in Tucson. Eagle’s Wings of Grace is…
Deb Melton If you missed the Javelina Hoedown on Oct. 9 at the Madera Clubhouse, you missed a good party! Just over 200 people attended this year and helped The Women of Quail Creek (TWOQC) raise $12,907 that will be used for scholarships, which will be awarded in April. TWOQC’s board has set a goal of $15,000 to…
On Nov. 20, the Democratic Club of Quail Creek is delighted to have award-winning photographer Richard Olsenius as our speaker. His career spans 50 years of capturing the world in photography, video, and music. He has worked on newspaper stories covering local and national news and magazine stories for National Geographic covering people, places, and…
Nancy Planck, Member Services Member Services is currently in the process of contacting our residents for renewals for the 2022 Monday and Friday series tickets. Once we have processed the renewals, we will be taking requests for new series ticket holders, which should be sometime in the beginning of December. After we have completed the…
JoAnne Gaudioso If you are searching for a real aromatherapy treatment and a healthy lifestyle, diffusing essential oils should be your choice. We cannot ignore the many benefits provided by dispersing essential oils. Safety: Candles are just not a practical choice for diffusing. Open flames are just too dangerous, especially when you are trying to get…
Quail Creekers in Wyoming Although Show Low and Pinetop are close and popular areas for many in the RV Club who use their RVs to get away from the heat in summer, there are many who travel much farther north. The northwest has so many great areas to enjoy. A small group of Quail Creek RV…
Peggy McGee The holidays are just around the corner, a traditional time of giving to help others in their time of need. Most of us have been fortunate enough to earn a pension in return for our years of working, so we are often able to help the less fortunate. Lately, we have all heard…
Ross Dunfee Flag and Seal: Marines used the Grand Union flag, and possibly the Gadsden flag (yellow flag with a “Don’t Tread on Me” rattlesnake), during the assault on New Providence Island, The Bahamas, March 3, 1776. During the 1830s and 1840s, the flag consisted of a gold fringed white field centered with an eagle and…