Mike Ohrel and Alphie Smith The Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) held its latest in-house event for its members on April 13. The tournament was the very challenging game of 10-Ball. It took place in the Billiards Room at the Madera clubhouse. The first-place winner was Dave Sypkens, a newer club member. Manny Quijada finished…
April 2024, Sports
QCBC In-House 9-Ball Tournament
Skip Jones and Alphie Smith On March 2 and 3, the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) held an In-House 9-Ball Tournament. Fifteen club members, both men and women, participated. There were a couple of “firsts” for this tournament. Terry Haggart, a longtime QC resident and QCBC member, was a first-time winner, and Skip Jones served…
Front Page, July 2021
2021 Tournament Play for the QC Billiards Club
Alphie Smith With the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) has resumed tournament play with other billiards clubs in the Tucson and Green Valley area. The QCBC Travelling Team of eight members competed in 8-ball at SaddleBrooke One on Saturday, June 19. Dennis Desmond, tournament chair for QCBC, will be scheduling…