Save the date of Saturday, April 27, for the inaugural Quail Creek Out of the Darkness (OOTD) Walk fundraiser benefitting the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). The staging for the OOTD Walk will be in the lower parking lot of the Grill at 9 a.m. Opening ceremonies will begin at 9:30 a.m., followed by…
Category: April 2024
April 2024, Generals
General Manager’s Report
Melani Caron Regardless of the size of any community, there is always one thing that every community needs: resident volunteers. April is National Volunteer Month, and I am grateful for the wonderful homeowners who have generously given of their time to serve. Quail Creek has volunteers serving in the capacity of one of the many…
April 2024, Features
Word of the Month: Trochus
David Zapatka While cruising around Australia on the way to Thursday Island, I read this description about the port city. “The mixed population of Malays, Chinese, Japanese, and Melanesians are engaged mainly in pearling and trochus and sea cucumber fishing.” Trochus—tro·chus noun: 1.a. Capitalized. a genus of chiefly Old World tropical marine gastropods (family Trochidae)…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
Young Democrats of Arizona Connect With DCQC

Alphie Smith Keep Arizona Blue Student Coalition (KABSC) ignited excitement for the upcoming election among the attendees at the last meeting of the Democratic Club of Quail Creek (DCQC) on March 16. Francesca Martin, a political science major at Arizona State University, gave a presentation that she titled “Student Power 101.” She was joined by…
April 2024, Generals
Deadline Reminder and How to Submit Articles
The deadline for the May edition is April 26 by noon. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website link: For article and photo guidelines or if you have any questions, please call 480-895-4216.
April 2024, Sports
Mike Ladd: Hole-in-One

Congratulations to fellow Quail Creek Men’s Golf Association member Mike Ladd for scoring a hole-in-one on Road Runner number 6 on Saturday, March 16. Way to go, Mike! It was reported that Mike scored the hole-in-one using a 7 iron at a distance of 150 yards, and his playing partners were Kelly Ladd, Alan Bravin,…
April 2024, Sports
QCBC In-House 9-Ball Tournament

Skip Jones and Alphie Smith On March 2 and 3, the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) held an In-House 9-Ball Tournament. Fifteen club members, both men and women, participated. There were a couple of “firsts” for this tournament. Terry Haggart, a longtime QC resident and QCBC member, was a first-time winner, and Skip Jones served…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
MOAA to Host Dinner May 1
Peggy McGee The annual Green Valley Chapter Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Scholarship Awards Dinner will be held on Wednesday, May 1, at American Legion Post 66, 1560 W. Duval Mine Road. This year they will be awarding scholarships to JROTC cadets from Sahuarita, Walden Grove, and Rio Rico High Schools. The event will…
Clubs & Classes, April 2024
Republican Club Welcomes Elected Legislators!

Pat Colburn Congressman Juan Ciscomani and Arizona House of Representatives member Gail Griffin were welcomed by a standing-room-only audience at the March 15 meeting of the Quail Creek Republican Club (QCRC). Congressman Ciscomani has been a frequent visitor to QCRC events and keeps us all up to date on subjects in Washington affecting our district.…
April 2024, Sports
Lady Putters Awards Top Putters
Peggy McGee Yoshie Hennessy, who has been a member of the Lady Putters since its inception, continued to excel throughout 2023. She was presented a plaque for getting the most holes-in-one for 2023, with an amazing 82. For getting the most holes-in-one for the first quarter of 2024, it was Yoshie again with 24. She…