Tag: Lady Putters

Lady Putters finally win Battle of the Sexes

Left to right: Nancy McDaniels, Lou Moultrie, Kathy Olbeter, Al Olbeter, Joyce Walton, and Yoshie Hennessy were on one of the teams that tied for first place; Photo by Jim Burkstrand.

Peggy McGee After being defeated seven years in a row, on a perfect weather day in November the Lady Putters finally beat their challengers in the annual Battle of the Sexes. Teams were evenly skilled in that two teams tied for 1st place. The first team with members Lou Moultrie, Nancy McDaniels, Yoshie Hennessy, Joyce…

Lady Putters welcome new members

Peggy McGee Although any time is a good time to join the Lady Putters, now is an even better time since those becoming members now will have their dues paid until the end of 2020. And $15 for annual dues is one of the best deals around. Interested ladies, both owners and renters, are invited…

Lady golfers ready to support four local charities

Peggy McGee The three ladies golf clubs, the Quail Creek Ladies Golf Association, the 9-ers, and the Putters have put the final touches on the Bewitched Fore Charity event on Oct. 31. Application forms are available in the pro shop as well as the clubhouse. The event is also open to non-golfers and those who only want to…

Putters summer schedule continues

Peggy McGee The Lady Putters will continue their summer schedule of putting every Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., even after the over-seeding is completed. They will begin their winter schedule on Nov. 6, with a 10:00 a.m. start. Check-in time starts 30 minutes before start time. Ladies are invited to join the Putters at any time of…

Ladies golfing groups plan another benefit for charity

Peggy McGee The three ladies golf groups (Quail Creek Ladies Golf Association, the Niners, and the Putters) will be hosting their third annual golf charity event, Bewitched Fore Charity, on Thursday, Oct. 31. The planning committee selected three new charities, all in the local area. Hands of a Friend, which supports victims of domestic abuse, will…

Lady Putters have a busy summer

Getting five or more holes-in-one in one session were (front row, left to right): Yoshie Hennessy, Sylvia Butler, Barbara De Lange, Suzan Bryceland and (back row) Janet Wegner. Photo by Sylvia Butler.

Peggy McGee Despite the heat, the Lady Putters have come out in larger numbers this summer than ever before. They experimented with starting at 8:00 a.m. instead of 8:30 a.m. but will go back to the 8:30 a.m. start time beginning Aug. 14. Their summer brunch featured an egg salad-stuffed croissant and refreshing fruit salad,…

Christmas in July collection was the best ever!

The majority of the Putters wore holiday colors on Christmas in July day. Photo by Sylvia Butler.

Peggy McGee The Lady Putters outdid themselves this year with donations for the Green Valley/Amado Community Food Bank during their annual Christmas in July collection. The ladies, many of them attired in holiday red and green, complete with headpieces and jewelry to mark the occasion, contributed $710, along with 210 pounds of groceries. Donations to…