Election Committee Seeking Volunteers for Open Positions

Joyce Shumate The Election Committee is seeking two volunteers, each to serve a three-year term. The Election Committee is responsible for implementing and coordinating all facets of the QCPOA elections. The committee meets approximately five times yearly to organize POA elections and conduct Meet the Candidates sessions. Volunteers are preferred to be full-time residents of…

New Charter Group to Serve Members of Quail Creek

At the quarterly meeting on June 10, the QCPOA Board unanimously approved the new charter group Partners Losing Partners Outreach (PLPO). Our mission is to serve as a resource group for Quail Creek residents who have recently lost a spouse/life partner. The group operates exclusively for the purpose of providing helpful, educational, informational, and practical…

Quail Creek Has Newsletters!

Melani Caron Quail Creek has several different newsletters that keep you up to date on news, events, and announcements in Quail Creek. You can subscribe to one or all of them, depending on your interests: • What’s Happening at Quail Creek: Published Monday through Friday with information, announcements, and news about Quail Creek • Fresh…

Tips for Successful Renting

Daryl Laux, Webmaster Approximately 4 in 10 homes in suburban America are occupied by renters. If your property is one of those homes—or about to become one—please read further to learn helpful tips for you, your renters, and the association as you embark on renting your home. The first step when deciding to lease your home…

General Manager’s Report

Good afternoon Quail Creek homeowners, Quail Creek Property Owners Association (QCPOA) staff has been working with multiple vendors to provide favorable pricing for our residents. Five trash companies were invited to participate during the course of this project. Waste Management was the only company who was able or willing to work with us. The others opted…

Quail Creek Needs You!

Joyce Shumate Are you interested in volunteering to make Quail Creek an even better place to live? If so, have you considered serving on our Quail Creek Property Owners Association (QCPOA) Board of Directors? The 2021 election process to elect one resident director for a two-year term to the board of directors is about to begin.…

Time to Give Back to Your Community!

Quail Creek Election Committee The Quail Creek Property Owners Association (QCPOA) is seeking residents interested in running in the fall election for a volunteer resident member of Quail Creek board of directors. The newly elected candidate’s two-year term will begin January 1, 2021. To qualify, candidates must be homeowners in good standing and available to…

Online voting returns!

Jim Emery, chair of the Quail Creek Property Owners Association (QCPOA) Election Committee The 2019 QCPOA board election will, once again, use electronic voting this fall. Electronic voting is much quicker and easier than the old paper ballot method. You can access the ballot from anywhere that you can connect to the Internet and be…

QCPOA Board of Directors election this fall

  Joe and Linda Lohr The annual election to fill one of the two resident-elected POA Board positions will take place this fall. The person elected will serve a two-year term on the POA Board responsible for running our community and ensuring it continues to be the great place it is to live. Being a…