Hello Quail Creek submitters! This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for the May edition is April 26 by 4 p.m. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or try our new submission link: robsonpublishing.com/editorial.
Category: April 2022
Generals, April 2022
Coyote Course Renovation Update for April
The Renovation Task Force Hope you are all well and healthy. The Coyote Course was shut down on March 28 for the renovation project. As most of you are aware, a lot of preparation work has already been in progress. Welding of the main irrigation pipe and placement of that pipe around the course has…
Generals, April 2022
Using Essential Oils for Foot Care
JoAnne Gaudioso Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that contain medicinal and healing properties known to boost immunity and alleviate stress and anxiety. Many essential oils boast anti-inflammatory properties and are considered pain relievers and even anesthetics, all of which are essential for foot pain relief. Let’s talk about a few of the…
Features, April 2022
Word of the Month: Ziggurat
David Zapatka Reader John W. Patterson writes, “For what it’s worth, because of my ever-deepening interest in what might be called “The History of Ideas,” I’ve been following your Word column in our Quail Creek Crossing for some years now. In a very real way, etymology is itself a useful adjunct for dealing with the…
Clubs & Classes, April 2022
TWOQC Clothing Swap Helps Victims of Domestic Abuse

Peggy McGee Hidden somewhere in the Greater Green Valley area is Genesis House, a haven for female victims of domestic abuse and their children. The actual location is a well-guarded secret to ensure the safety of the residents. The fundraising arm for the nonprofit, Hands of a Friend, gets no assistance from federal, state, or…
Features, April 2022
Planting Choices—Beyond Cacti
Bonnie Nowicki I took advantage of our mild weather the past month by visiting several local gardens for inspiration. Desert Meadows Park, located off South Abrego, and The Arid Garden, located off West Camino Encanto, are so lovingly tended by the Green Valley Gardeners. In addition to the interesting landscape layouts, hardscapes, and plant ideas,…
Sports, April 2022
Table Tennis Club: Meet the Members

Tom Herder This month features Barbara Lentz and Steve DeLauro. Barb is a longtime Quail Creeker, but a brand-new table tennis player. She moved here from Washington, D.C., in 2007, working in the world of finance and administration. She retired as the chief operating officer of a publicly traded insurance brokerage. Prior to that, she…
Clubs & Classes, April 2022
TWOQC Garden Group Visits Arid Garden!
Generals, April 2022
Ready, Set, Sing!

Cyndy Gierada The Performing Arts Guild (PAG) Mixed Chorus has been happily working on their upcoming spring concert on April 26! Practices are happening weekly, singers are enthusiastic, the songs are coming along beautifully, and we all know this is going to be a concert you will thoroughly enjoy! Ten numbers will be performed, two of…
Clubs & Classes, April 2022
Learning to Dance Is an Investment
Texas 2 Step–Level 2 classes are Thursdays, April 21, April 28, and May 5, from 6:30 to 7:25 p.m. Also known as the Country 2 Step, this is the most popular country dance. Level 2 is for students who have had basic lessons, need a refresher, or want to learn more steps. The course is taught…