Bob Stuart Arizona Pathfinders, a nonprofit volunteer group of the Arizona Historical Society, is conducting a five-day tour (Tuesday–Saturday) on September 25-29, 2018 to the Sacramento Mountain Area, New Mexico. Join us for an adventuresome tour to this region, in south central New Mexico, east of the White Sands Missile Range. Sierra Blanca Peak,…
Category: Generals
Generals, April 2018
April TGIF – Southern Charm
April T.G.I.F. is Southern Charm on Friday, April 27, 2018. The cash bar opens at 5:15 p.m. with the dinner buffet beginning at 6:00 p.m. The evening will feature “The DRIFT.” Menu items include: Ambrosia salad, green salad with ranch and Italian dressing; macaroni and cheese with smoked pork belly and green chilies; peas…
Generals, April 2018
Unit Party Diaper Round-up

JoAnn Haberer This spring, as Quail Creek Units are hosting parties to bid farewell to our part-time community members, consider using that opportunity to hold a “diaper round-up” for the Women of Quail Creek’s Military Baby Shower. If you haven’t purchased disposable diapers in a while, you’ll be surprised to see how expensive they…
Generals, April 2018
Coffee with the GM
Coffee with the General Manager, Mike Taylor, will be on Friday, May 4, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom. The guests will be from Golf Operations. Please join GM Mike Taylor along with his guest, Joel Jaress, Golf Pro and J.R. Kies, Golf Course Superintendent as they discuss current affairs.…
Generals, April 2018
2019 TAD Management Series announced
Quail Creek Country Club presents the 2019 TAD Management Series. The season (series) tickets go on sale May 29-June 29. Rows A-D are $156 per person, Rows E-Q are $144 per person. Individual tickets on sale July 10 for $27. Friday, January 4, 2019 7:00 p.m. ABBAFAB—The Premier ABBA Experience Having played to sold-out crowds…
Generals, April 2018
Mother’s Day Brunch Buffet Sunday, May 13
The Mother’s Day Brunch Buffet will be in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom on Sunday, May 13, 2018. The cash bar opens at 10:00 a.m. Morning seatings will be at 10:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m.; afternoon seatings will be at 12:30 p.m., 1:00 p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Menu items…
Generals, April 2018
CERT graduates new team members

Peggy McGee Two Quail Creek residents, Bob and Cindy Granger, were among the 11 graduates who completed the Community Emergency Response Team basic training course in March. This comprehensive course prepared the graduates to conduct light search and rescue operations, perform triage and minor first aid, identify potential hazards after a natural or man-made…
Generals, April 2018
Jim Asbell Memorial Fund helps raise over $25,000 for cancer research

Ginny Hutcheson With the help of Jim Asbell, the Quail Creek Fights Back Relay for Life team raised over $25,000 in six months for the American Cancer Society. Jim’s personal goal was to raise $5,000 to help find a cure for cancer. Thanks to Jim’s friends and relatives, Jim’s memorial fund reached over $5,000…
Generals, April 2018
Last chance to put a smile on a new mom’s (or dad’s) face

JoAnn Haberer The Military Family Baby Shower is only weeks away so if you’re thinking of donating items, now’s the time to act. The Women of Quail Creek Military Baby Shower committee is especially looking for baby clothing, sizes newborn to 12 months, along with disposable diapers, baby wipes, and bath products such as…
Generals, April 2018
Winfield family wows QC audience with Turquoise lecture

Jean Tittle, Kino Lecture Series Coordinator Quail Creek’s Kino Lecture series closed out their successful season with “American Turquoise: Collecting with Confidence” given by the three generation Winfield Family – former owners of the Lone Mountain Turquoise Mine in Nevada. Two hours prior to the lecture, Jason, Michelle and Robert Winfield gave private evaluations of…