Tag: events

Join MOAA for a Mix & Mingle

Peggy McGee All military, Public Health, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration officers are invited to join the Green Valley Chapter, Military Officers Association of America’s (MOAA) Mix & Mingle on Oct. 17. The cocktail party will be held in the El Dorado Room in the La Perla building at La Posada. The purpose of…

DCQC Remains Enthusiastic

Lois Connell and Alphie Smith House Party for Kirsten Engel On Aug. 11 Kathie and John Murphy hosted a house party and fundraiser for Kirsten Engel, candidate for U.S. Congress in Congressional District 6. Ms. Engel was accompanied by Congressman Ted Lieu of California who is co-chair of the Democratic Caucus in the House of…

Quail Creek Republicans Welcome Tom Horne, Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction

Rich Ulery Tom Horne, Arizona’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, was the featured speaker at the Aug. 16 meeting of the Quail Creek Republican Club (QCRC). The superintendent oversees the State of Arizona’s public school system and directs the Department of Education. Mr. Horne served 24 years in the state’s third largest school district board and…

September Is National Preparedness Month

Peggy McGee Every year, FEMA announces that September is National Preparedness Month. The idea behind this special month is to make people aware of steps they should take or things they should at least be aware of before a disaster strikes. To promote National Preparedness Month, the Greater Green Valley Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)…

Can You Count to 4?

Kathy Sinnott What is your fave rock song where the lead singer shouts off a ‘4/4 beat count?’ Mine has got to be Springsteen’s Born To Run at 3:03 minutes into the song! Well, rockers, get ready to experience the Rockin’ 4 Heroes 4/4 beat count this year, which gives new meaning to the number…

Upcoming Board Meeting

Melani Caron Attending board meetings is a great way for everyone to stay in the know and a means to keep rumors at bay. The Quail Creek Board of Directors meetings are held quarterly with the next meeting being held on Monday, Sept. 16, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. The next meeting will be…

Baby Boomers—We Need You

Please find a photo of an event (playing ball, graduation, wedding, etc.) that happened to you during your “growing up” years. These photos will be shown on the “big screen” in the clubhouse ballroom during this year’s PAG Christmas show, which will span the ‘40s to the present as it relates to the baby boomers…