Photos of the Year

TWOQC Scholarship Applications Are Now Available Online!

New! Afternoon Open Play Pickleball

Quail Creek Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association

QCCGA Results

Cyndi Hoover QCCGA Pick Your Sixsome, January 19 Gross: Flight 1: 1st Fox, Rathvon, Spetter, Gazica Flight 2: 1st Knox, Printz, Baker Flight 3: 1st Kordalski, Wibbenhorst, Harsch, Hernandez Flight 4: 1st Gorman, Mechek, Hays, Bresnahan Net: Flight 1: 1st Nicholson, Price, Stensrud; 2nd Turner, Olse, Meadows, Nelson, Nelms Flight 2: 1st Hiles, Lynch, Jensen,…

Personal Experience with Insurance and Medical Providers

Don Beaver, Fitness Director Please allow me to illustrate this article with my recent personal medical journey with local providers in an effort to help you should you face similar events. Note: Names were not included in this story for obvious reasons. The pain from a back injury began in January 2023 and intensified over…

In My Kitchen: Mexican Fiesta

Pam Hartwell-James The Women of Quail Creek’s small group In My Kitchen, led by Pam Hartwell-James, had a wonderful Olé Mexican Fiesta event on Jan. 26, which was hosted by Maureen Brealey. The menu included a Sonoran tequila shrimp cocktail, tacos, and chile rellenos. It was a wonderful lunch with a great group of members,…

Couples Golf Nine and Dine: Luck of the Draw

Cyndi Hoover The Quail Creek Couples Golf Association held its first Nine and Dine event for 2024 on Jan. 31. The event, titled Luck of the Draw, had 112 participants playing nine holes on either the Quail or the Roadrunner courses. The format was simple: Each player was assigned a card suit of diamond, heart,…

Harvey Beim Honored With a Scholarship Fund

Inna Shames The Women of Quail Creek (TWOQC) Scholarship Program offers the opportunity to create named scholarships in celebration of an event or in memory of a beloved individual. These scholarships can be single gifts or a fund to which many contribute. When Harvey Beim passed away on Feb. 4, 2024, friends approached his wife…

PAG Spring Play ‘Wrong Window’ May 2-4

Wrong Window? Alfred Hitchcock is probably rolling over in his grave wondering why he didn’t direct this instead of Rear Window. Will he make an appearance just to see what it’s all about? Why were the police told to head North by Northwest and Marnie told to Dial M for Murder? What were Jeff and Lila doing…