Piñata Factory Does Easter

Where in the World Is the ‘Crossing’?

Writers and Poets Club

Photography Club Announces Quarterly Challenge Winners

When Life Gives You Lemons!

Supplies for Seniors Drive a Success

Peggy McGee The Women Of Quail Creek’s Community Outreach Committee sponsored a collection for 22 seniors (19 ladies and three men) who live in the subsidized rent units at Michelle Manor Apartments in Green Valley. For most, the only income they have is Social Security, so the group wanted to provide them with some necessities…

Desert Duffer Club Championship and Luncheon

Steve Shapiro The Quail Creek Duffers (Men’s 9-hole Golf Association) held its Club Championship tour over a three-week period in March. All golfers played on all three courses (Coyote, Road Runner, and Quail) to determine the winner. The Divisions were A, B, C, D, and Super Senior. The winners were as follows: Bob Teschek: Low…