2023 QCRC elected officers (left to right): President Rich Ulery, 1st VP Pat Colburn, 2nd VP Kathy Kimbrell, Secretary Doug Shumway, Program Chair Terri Hartin, Member-at-Large Rick Swenson, Membership Chair Lin Sanford, Treasurer Steve Lewis
Dance Courses for Beginners:
1. Slow Dancing to Romantic Music
Don’t just sway back and forth to love songs. Learn simple steps to have more fun with your partner. Perfect for upcoming weddings, cruises, and social dances at Quail Creek.
Three weeks: Thursdays, Feb. 16 and 23 and March 2, from 6:30 to 7:25 p.m.
2. Cowboy Cha Cha
A must for Quail Creek social dances. This is a couples line dance with five easy parts.
Three weeks: Thursdays, March 9, 16, and 23, from 6:30 to 7:25 p.m.
Classes are $65 per couple.
Space is limited, and prepayment is required. Sorry, no prorating or refunds.
Singles, if you need a partner, please contact Kathi.
Private and semi-private lessons are available by appointment.
All classes are taught in the Anza Cholla Room.
To pre-register, please email [email protected]. Instructions will be given on how to submit payment.
For more information, go to our website www.2LeftFeat.com.