On-the-Go Excursion Goes to Ben’s Bells!

Jane Gold and Karen Woodrow On Feb. 10, 10 The Women Of Quail Creek (TWOQC) members went on an adventure to the Ben’s Bells nonprofit. The group left Quail Creek and drove to the Mercado in South Tucson. After placing their orders for some sweets at a local bakery, they boarded the streetcar to travel…

In My Kitchen Returns with Three Great Courses!

Jane Gold The Women Of Quail Creek (TWOQC) started the new year with three very different kitchen demonstrations. On Jan. 27 seven TWOQC members grilled salmon, roasted peppers, and served wonderfully flavor-filled Family Favorite Salmon Chowder, with the help of hostess Maureen Brealey, in 30 minutes! In addition, they made Grandpa’s Corn Muffins to accompany the…

Ikebana Flower Arranging Demonstration

Jane Gold Ikebana is the traditional Japanese art of flower arranging. JoAnn Hyde, an Assistant Grand Master who has been studying Ikebana since 1980, presented a demonstration of four lovely arrangements to The Women Of Quail Creek membership on Feb. 16. Members enjoyed the beauty and symmetry of each arrangement and were informed about the…

New Chair of TWOQC’s YANA

YANA (You Are Not Alone) is a resource group of The Women Of Quail Creek (TWOQC) committed to serving women who have lost a loved one or are caregivers of a terminally ill patient. As of Jan. 1, 2023, Toni Pastor is the new chair of TWOQC’s YANA. To learn more about YANA or if…


Bobbi Gordon As 2022 comes to an end, YANA (You Are Not Alone) committee members Bobbi Gordon (chair), Gloria Bible, Laura Colbert, Kathy Fox, Lisa Johnson, Janice Messer, Toni Pastor, Patricia Quick, Julie Sherwood, and Clarice Sullivan hosted a Sweets for the Sweet Coffee, Cookies, and Caroling party for widows within Quail Creek. Along with…

Angel Heart Pajama Project Collection a Huge Success

Peggy McGee For its final project for 2022, The Women Of Quail Creek’s (TWOQC) Community Outreach Committee sponsored a collection of children’s pajamas and age-appropriate books for the Angel Heart Pajama Project (AHPP). This Tucson-based 501(c)(3) donates new pajamas and books to children ages 0-14 who are homeless, going into foster care, seriously ill, or…

TWOQC Members Made a Paintbrush Santa

Jane Gold On Dec. 2 four The Women Of Quail Creek (TWOQC) members learned to make an adorable paintbrush Santa with Sharon Pulcinella! Something a little different to liven up their holiday decorating this year. All supplies were provided by Sharon. Attendees just brought their sense of fun.