Tag: events

Spring Garden Tour and Art-in-the-Park

On April 13, 2019 the Green Valley Gardeners will be having their Spring Garden Tour and Art-in-the-Park festival from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Garden Tour is a self-guided tour of five gardens in Green Valley. Tickets for the tour went on sale March 1, 2019 at the Green Valley Gardeners website (greenvalleygardeners.com) or…

New York Life seminar

The New York Life seminar on Long Term Care – Understanding the Ins and Outs in Retirement will be on Thursday, March 14, 2019, at 4:30 p.m. Please RSVP for a complimentary dinner at the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom No. 3 Please join us for an informational seminar and insurance sales presentation on Long Term…

2019 Green Valley Tour of Homes

St. Francis in the Valley Episcopal Church brings us this year’s fabulous Tour of Homes on Friday, March 22 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. As in years past, all proceeds from the tour go to local charities; Green Valley/Sahuarita Food Bank, Arivaca’s Boy’s Ranch, St. Andrew’s Children’s Clinic, Valley Assistant Services and many others…

Preserving ancient culture

Ron and Vicki Sullivan Mark your calendars for March 1, 2 and 3. Quail Creek will host its fourth annual spring Mata Ortiz pottery, Zapotec weaving, and Taxco jewelry show at the Kino Conference Center. Internationally recognized for their pottery, Jerardo Tena and Norma Hernandez represent a group of Mata Ortiz potters who have revived…

Four Weddings and an Elvis

Nancy Frick The spirit of Elvis is alive and well at Sandy’s Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas. This hilarious and heart-warming play is presented by the Quail Creek Performing Arts Guild, produced by Davey Jones and directed by Jay Hochstein. Performances will be in the Crystal Ballroom, in the Madera Clubhouse, on April 11, 12,…

Residents perform in Spring Concert

Judy Rooney Nostalgia is the theme for the spring concert of the Green Valley Community Chorus under the direction of Todd Wachsman. Todd is a doctoral candidate at the U of A’s choral conducting program. Stroll down memory lane as you are entertained by Moon River, When the Saints Go Marching In, Love is a…

2018-19 Kino Lecture Series grand finale

The continuing successful Kino Lecture Series will close March 4 at 7:00 p.m. with a fascinating lecture by career and self-taught photographer Brian Vikander. Mr. Vikander will explain and demonstrate the standard of excellence demanded of photographers whose work appears in prestigious publications such as National Geographic, The Smithsonian, Time, The London Times, Wall Street…