Tag: Democratic Club of Quail Creek

LD2 Democratic candidates to speak March 19

Rosanna Gabaldón

Cindy Mayron Rosanna Gabaldón and Aaron Baumann, declared Democratic candidates for Arizona Legislative District 2 (LD2), will be the guest speakers at the Democrats of Quail Creek meeting on Saturday, March 19, 3:00 p.m., at the Kino Conference Center (next to the golf shop building). There are two LD2 seats up for election, currently held…

Democratic Club to host candidates to speak

Victoria Steele

Cindy Mayron Saturday, January 16 State Representative Victoria Steele is a Democratic CD2 candidate for the seat currently held by Republican Martha McSally. “I’m running for Congress because today the deck is stacked in favor of those at the top—they’ve broken that promise of the American Dream and we need to return to that promise of…

The ABC’s of skin cancer

Cindy Mayron With 85% annual average sunshine in southern Arizona, skin cancer is relevant year-round. Last month dermatologist and fellowship-trained Mohs surgeon Jason DuPont, MD, discussed the basics of skin cancer at the Democratic Club of Quail Creek meeting. “There are actually about 100 different types of skin cancer because the skin is a complex…

Democratic Club news

Enjoying a gathering at the home of Al and Joanna Miller.

Cindy Mayron Sarah Garrecht Gassen, an editorial opinion writer and columnist for the Arizona Daily Star, was the guest speaker at the April meeting of the Democratic Club of Quail Creek. She fell in love with Tucson after a high school trip and moved from St. Louis, Missouri, to attend the University of Arizona (UA).…

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Judy Poffenbarger feeds a carrot to the giraffe

Cindy Mayron Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Members and guests from the Democratic Club of Quail Creek recently enjoyed a private, behind the scenes guided tour at Reid Park Zoo. Our first stop was at the giraffe exhibit where we enjoyed feeding them a special treat of carrot sticks. Our guide, Andrea, explained…