Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Kartchner Caverns tour

The Educational TRIPS Committee has reserved group tour space at Kartchner Caverns State Park for Thursday, December 3. Reservations will be taken at the Concierge Desk beginning in mid-November, and details will be announced in What’s Happening. Cost will be $26 per person. Lunch afterwards in the café is optional. The cave was discovered in…

Rally for the cure

The survivors; photos by Eileen Sykora

Spectacular isn’t the only word to describe this occasion! The sixteenth annual Rally for the Cure, an all day event that took months of careful planning, was fun, fulfilling and fantastic! The QCLGA (18 hole club), the Quail Creek Lady 9ers and the Quail Creek Lady Putters named this year’s event Hear Me Roar In…


There was an error in a phone number in the Handy Number Guide in the 2015-2016 Source Book. The correct number for snake removal is 629-9200. We apologize for the error.

2 Your Health

Oven roasted Thanksgiving Turkey on centerpiece of beautiful decorated festive table, healthy and tasty family dinner, traditional autumn holiday

Managing lung disease during the holidays Phoebe Brown The holiday season brings people together for many celebrations; however, for people with lung disease the holidays can seem daunting. Between traveling, cooking and eating someone could easily become fatigued which could make breathing difficult. One way to avoid excessive exhaustion is to practice moderation when eating.…

From the Himalayas to the Sierra Madres

Left to right: Paul Regoort, Ellen Regoort, Ron Sullivan and Vicki Sullivan (St. Phillips Farmers’ Market)

Ron and Vicki Sullivan In early October, 2015, a vehicle filled with children’s clothing will depart Quail Creek and drive about 300 miles to the pueblo of Juan Mata Ortiz in Chihuahua, Mexico. How these winter clothing gifts, hand-crafted by Nepalese women, will reach the foothills of the Sierra Madres begins with a story involving…

Start planning your holiday calendar now

Pictured are Sandy Boyer, Jeri Collins, Margot Elsner, Janis Ferraro, Phil Geddes, Cyndy Gierada, Judy Gruett, Mary Lou Haas, Sharon Krueger, Muriel Larson, Robert Lewis, Larry Love, Alyce Mancini, Diana Paul, Ginny Post, Dodie Prescott, Jim Street, Marci Yenerich and Patti Zatkin.

Cyndy Gierada The group above represents just some of the Quail Creek Performing Arts Guild members who will entertain you this year in the annual Christmas Show – A Timeless Christmas in Quail Creek. The show will feature Christmas Past (some of your favorite Quail Creek numbers), Christmas Present and Classic Christmas – the favorites…