Sue Allen showing an inside block, excellent for deflecting straight-on punches

Rocco Colicchia showing a rising block used to block or deflect attacks coming from high angles
Every person deserves to feel safe and secure. The sad reality is that violent crime against people over 65 increased by 27% recently. That is why self-defense, especially for seniors, is such an important topic. We all know that as we age, our bodies tend to get slower, and we are weaker. Unfortunately, this can make us more vulnerable to attacks and altercations. That is unwelcome news, but the reality. The good news is, at the Anza gym here in Quail Creek we offer ASAI Shotokan Karate classes. We can help ensure you know not only how to defend yourself, but how to assess and manage a situation. You are not helpless, and there are things you can do. The focus is to not be in an unsafe situation! But, if needed, how to protect yourself.
Did you know that your body language and mannerisms can give off signals that make you more likely to be a target for someone looking to do harm? How they select the targeted individuals might surprise you. They select victims who drag their feet and move awkwardly, who are slumped over, and who keep their eyes on the ground. Such people, usually seniors, are perceived as being easy to overpower. Prevention should always be your primary objective. The best way to stay safe is to not get into risky situations in the first place. Karate is defensive, and you learn how to protect yourself!
While you might see Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris in movies and on TV, it is not what we do at the gym. You start slowly and progress at your own speed. None of us are 20 anymore, so we take time developing skills. You will be in a controlled environment, as the goal is for you to learn, enjoy, and be able to handle any situation if ever needed. It is also fun, and everyone there, from black belt to white belt, is there to help and see your skills grow. Your first six months are learning the basics and a kata or two. In doing so, you will also become very self-aware of yourself and those around you. Often repeated in class is a simple phrase: “Don’t be there!”
Karate is something both men and women can do, and we have a good mix of both at the classes. There is even a husband and wife team who are learning together and doing very well. Karate uses not just your body, but your brain as well. It opens new pathways in your brain through repetitive skills and helps you learn to focus.
So many folks watch us at the Anza gym. Instead of watching, why don’t you stop in and try it? Classes are on Monday and Tuesday from 4 to 6 p.m. and Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. We would love to have you learn and train with us!