In My Kitchen Hosted Bunco

Pam Hartwell-James, Deb Wade, Becky Ashin, Annabelle Winfrey, Jane Gold, Carol Ann Fougere, Diane Kirkendall, Joyce Shumate, Christy Coldwell, Carla Bucklin, Pamela Boyer, Barb Shaw, and Pam’s little princess Noelle (photo by Jim James)

Pam Hartwell-James and Inna Shames

Pam Hartwell-James hosted a game of bunco on May 27 and served up an enticing array of appetizers and desserts. Who knew what a fun day combining these foods and bunco would turn out to be?

Bunco is a popular game played with nine dice and a whole lot of luck. You can play bunco at parties, with friends, family, or with anyone you happen to get stranded on an island with, although the chances of that in Arizona are rather low.

What foods go best with a hearty game of bunco? This intrepid group of The Women of Quail Creek was determined to find out!

Bunco with fruit? Perhaps. Bunco with assorted snacks? Yes, that could work. Or maybe, just maybe, bunco with white chocolate lemon brownies? Bingo! Or should we say, “Bunco”? Because these brownies went so fast that the photographer never stood a chance!

At the end, the one sure thing was that a great time was had by all participants.