Debbie Sinner Carr The Quail Creek Women’s Bible Study has been blessed over the years, 18 to be exact, with wonderful women of God. One of the oldest clubs in Quail Creek, the Bible study has been a source of comfort and joy for the women of Quail Creek since 2001. Meeting in the old…
Category: October 2019
Generals, October 2019
From the New Home Sales Team
Lauren Winkowski Quail Creek is pleased to announce the release of our newest, stunning home design – the Vienta. This luxurious new home plan, spanning 2,308 sq. ft., offers an innovative layout and flexible spaces for optimum comfort, convenience, and function. A quick move-in Designer Home is an ideal option for buyers who want to…
Generals, October 2019
Quail Creek garden renewal
Bonnie Nowicki Hello full-time residents and welcome back snowbirds. Your gardens await! Are you anxious to begin planting, fine-tuning or creating a landscape that comforts and inspires you? Perhaps you should first consider your home interior spaces. Small seasonal changes will brighten up kitchens, living rooms, and even bedrooms. Vignettes or groupings of fall sunflowers…
Clubs & Classes, October 2019
Quail Creek Republicans address issues at our southern border

Christine Tucker On Friday, Sept. 20, Quail Creek Republican Club President Shelley Kais welcomed Virginia Staab, U.S. Consul General for the United States Consulate in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico to the Quail Creek Republican Club. During her presentation, Virginia outlined many issues affecting the U.S. relationship with Mexico, her role in representing and protecting U.S. citizens traveling…
Generals, October 2019
Safely back from the death zone!

Jean Tittle The 2019-20 Kino Lecture Series will open on Monday, Nov. 18, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Quail Creek Madera Clubhouse Ballroom. Please join us as we welcome back Dr. John Klein, Tucson orthopedic surgeon, and conqueror of six out of the world’s seven tallest summits. Last November, Dr. Klein shared with our audience his…
Sports, October 2019
Pickleball winner
Generals, October 2019
Blood Drive November 10

The American Red Cross Blood Drive is on Sunday, Nov. 10, from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Silver rooms 1 and 2. You can be someone’s rescue story! Registration typically begins 30 days prior to each drive. To schedule an appointment, call 800-733-2767 or log on to and enter sponsor code ‘quailcreek.’ Change the…
Generals, October 2019
Follow the signs to the tenth annual Homeless Veterans Clothing Drive

Cindy Mayron Follow the signs to the VA Homeless Veterans Clothing and Household Goods Drive in the parking lot between the Madera Clubhouse and the Creative Arts and Tech Center. Drop off your donations on Saturday, Oct. 19, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. This is the tenth annual clothing drive sponsored by The Women of Quail…
Clubs & Classes, October 2019
MOAA to gather for dinner in November
Peggy McGee The Green Valley Chapter of the Military Officers Association (MOAA) will meet for dinner in Crystal Ballroom number 1 on Wednesday, Nov. 13. The social period begins at 5 p.m. and dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. The menu will feature a choice of stuffed pork or chicken cordon bleu. Both are served with…
Clubs & Classes, October 2019
New season starts soon for Quail Creek’s Casual Dance Club

Carlo Pensyl The Casual Dance Club kicks off a new season by welcoming past and new members to our first dance on Wednesday, Oct. 16. The club offers dances each year in the months of October, November, January, February, and March. These dances keep members excited with live bands, refreshments, and activities throughout the season in…