The Wellness Presentation, Healthy Pet Workshop, will take place on Friday, October 5, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom. The topic, Valley Fever, will be presented by Dr. Shelley Humphrey, DVM. Bio on Dr. Shelley Humphrey, DVM: Although I came from a family of engineers, I knew that was not…
Category: August 2018
Sports, August 2018
Lady Putters plan special events
Peggy McGee To add variety to their weekly putting sessions, the Lady Putters occasionally invite other golf groups to join them, even members of the opposite sex. On August 15, the Duffers will join the Putters for 18 holes of putting followed by a continental breakfast. On October 17, the annual Battle of the…
Sports, August 2018
Lady Putters celebrate Christmas in July

Peggy McGee Despite the heat and monsoon humidity, the Lady Putters donned holiday attire for their annual grocery collection to support the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona which supports low income families in the Green Valley and Amado vicinity. One hundred eight pounds of food and six pounds of non-food items (paper and cleaning…
Sports, August 2018
QCLGA members enjoy a “No Frills Member/Guest” tournament

Terri Erickson On June 28, Bonny Wilcox and Jacquie Owens treated the 18 Hole Women’s Golf Club to a “no frills member/guest tournament.” The morning was warm and breezy, but the golf was fun and the day was topped off with a gathering for boxed lunches and the announcement of the winners by our pro…
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
Summer sewing fun

Max Perzan It all started in 2010 when the ladies of the Quail Creek Needlework Club made “pillow case” sundresses to help young girls who had been victims of a devastating earthquake in Haiti. The club was able to send more than 100 dresses at that time to support the young girls. The tradition of…
Sports, August 2018
Lady Putters’ 6 week winners announced

Peggy McGee The Lady Putters celebrated mid-summer with a bruncheon, a cross between brunch and lunch on July 11. After enjoying a chicken and grilled peach salad entrée followed by rainbow sherbet, members listened attentively as Putters president Janet Wegner announced the winners for the previous six-week period. Two long time Putters, Mary Anderson and…
Features, August 2018
Word of the Month: Synesthesia
David Zapatka Reading about cognition and perception recently, I was introduced to the word “synesthesia” which is this month’s WOTM. Synesthesia – noun syn·es·the·sia si-nəs-ˈthē-zh(ē-)ə 1. a concomitant sensation: especially a subjective sensation or image of a sense (as of color) other than the one (as of sound) being stimulated. 2. the condition marked by the…
Features, August 2018
Dollars and Sense: Help protect vulnerable members from scam artists
Jeff LeFave If you have older family members whose cognitive functions or decision-making abilities have declined, or who are lonely or recently widowed, you might need to help protecting them against financial scams. What steps should you take? First of all, try to gain a good sense of their overall financial activity. Look for…
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
MOAA sends thanks for support

Peggy McGee The Green Valley Chapter Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) sends its sincere thanks for the generous outpouring of support for its annual Food for the Troops collection conducted from July 1-4. In addition to the groceries, residents donated $400 in checks for the Chapter’s Turkeys for the Troops program. Each November, 30…
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
From good to gorgeous

JoAnn Haberer On August 27, The Women of Quail Creek will host Elise Marquam-Jahns, a nationally known makeup artist, who will present tips on looking your best regardless of your age. Have you noticed a few unexpected (and unwelcome) changes in your skin and appearance in the past few years? And has it seemed as…