QC Library Management Team: Standing: Larry Thomson, Phil Geddes, Vicki Workman, Carolyn Good, Nancy Forester, Wayne Sorlie; seated: Fay Shapiro, Alphie Smith; not pictured: Susan Warburton, Lori Klug, Irene Hellie. In the background are the open cabinets where most of the paperbacks, jigsaw puzzles, and more are shelved. Please don’t hesitate to open any cabinet in the library. That special book may find you.
Alphie Smith
The Quail Creek Library at Madera clubhouse does not loan books like a public library does where you need to return items on a due date. Relying on an honor system, Quail Creek residents can “borrow” books and other library items for as long as needed. Our Quail Creek Library exists because of all the donations from you—the Quail Creek residents. Our Library Management Team and volunteers merely keep it in order daily.