Tag: Word of the Month

Word of the Month: Inutile

David Zapatka Reader Carmela Hopkins writes, “Dear Mr. Zapatka, every month I look for your column in the Splash. Last month’s article particularly grabbed my attention because you mentioned Richard Lederer, whom I read monthly in the Mensa Bulletin. Have you considered an article on the word ‘run?’ It seems like such an obviously simple…

Word of the Month: Eggcorn Reader Comments

David Zapatka July’s WOTM word, “eggcorn,” resulted in a flurry of reader comments. “Just read your article in the Pioneer Press about eggcorns, and it made me chuckle. I didn’t realize they were called eggcorns, but I’ve encountered a few of the same “slip of the ears.” One that always annoys me is when people say ‘It’s…

Word of the Month: Sniglet

David Zapatka Thirteen months ago, we went off the beaten path of dictionary words when reader Debbie M. wrote, “Hello, I enjoy your column and want to offer a suggestion. ‘Orbisculate’ is a word not yet in the dictionary. I think we should help the young people who are trying to get this word into…

Word of the Month: Eggcorn

David Zapatka Is it just me or are you hearing this too? It seems more people are using words or phrases that sound like but are mistakenly used in a semi-logical or seemingly plausible way for the correct word or phrase either on its own or as part of an expression. While at Rudy’s BBQ,…

Word of the Month: Capo

David Zapatka While listening to the Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks tune, “I Have a Capo on my Brain,” last night, I thought, how could a “capo” be on a brain, and secondly, haven’t I heard this word used in another context? The movie The Godfather came to mind. This sparked research into this word.…

Word of the Month: Emplacement

  David Zapatka While watching the last two episodes of The Expanse, I heard significant dialogue about the rail guns being used by Marcos Inaros, the leader of the Belters’ Free Navy, who was intent on destroying the Inners (pronounced Innas), the people residing on Earth, Luna (the moon), and Mars. These rail guns were…

Word of the Month: Ziggurat

  David Zapatka Reader John W. Patterson writes, “For what it’s worth, because of my ever-deepening interest in what might be called “The History of Ideas,” I’ve been following your Word column in our Quail Creek Crossing for some years now. In a very real way, etymology is itself a useful adjunct for dealing with the…

Word of the Month: Domestique

  David Zapatka Last month we discussed the word “chicane” used in describing an obstacle on the Tour de France racecourse. Our word this month is “domestique,” used to describe a rider in the Tour de France. Domestique noun do·mes·tique dō′mĕs-tēk′ (Cycle Racing) (in competitive road cycling) a cyclist whose job is to support the higher-ranking members…

Word of the Month: Chicane

David Zapatka The Tour de France is one of the greatest sporting spectacles of the year. I love watching the drama and triumph. While watching the broadcast, I heard a commentator describe the upcoming chicane in the course and knew immediately that “chicane” would be my next word of the month.Chicane verb chi·caneshi-ˈkān , chi- 1.…

Word of the Month: Quincunx

QCLGA Throw Out Your Worst Three Holes, Dec. 23 Debbie Scott Flight 1: 1st Alice Dyke; 2nd (tie) Bobbi Jo Rathvon, Karen Stensrud, Sung Whitehead, Sherry Morris Flight 2: 1st Dena Knox; 2nd (tie) Brenda Allred, Roz Harrison Flight 3: 1st (tie) Chris Laxague, Kathy Thompson; 3rd Bonnie Morgan Flight 4: 1st Lindsay Dickinson; 2nd (tie) Patty Zatkin,…