Category: Features

Indoor Plant Care

Bonnie Nowicki Most of us continue to spend more time indoors while outside temperatures are uncomfortable. Let’s revisit some basic principles for growing houseplants and perhaps discover some lesser-known indoor plant facts. Light, water, temperature, fertilization, and soil are chief factors affecting indoor plant growth. Light is the energy source to photosynthesize and produce food.…

Lavender—“The Swiss Army Knife of Essential Oils”

JoAnne Gaudioso Lavender is often referred to as the “Swiss Army Knife of Essential Oils” because of its usefulness and popularity. Lavender is widely considered a must-have essential oil because of its versatility. It’s been used and cherished for centuries because of its unmistakable aroma and myriad of benefits. Ancient Egyptians and Romans used lavender…

Word of the Month: Emotion

David Zapatka Do emotions happen consciously or unconsciously? Can emotions be chosen or do they just happen? While reading “I Am: The Power of Discovering Who You Really Are” by Howard Falco, I read, “Emotions are the clues that lead you to the treasure of everlasting peace.” Ponder this for a while. Are our emotions…