Final date for signing up for TWOQC March field trip

Janice Pell March 17 is the final date members can sign up for the March 31 outing to the Amerind Museum with a luncheon at the Triangle T Guest Ranch. Cost for the trip is $40 to include the bus fare, museum entrance fees and turkey croissant lunch with dessert and beverage. Buses will leave…

Photos and recipes needed for Quail Creek Cookbook

Peggy McGee The Women of Quail Creek Cookbook Committee is looking for photos for their new cookbook, A Shared Table. Photos of food in 300 resolution or higher can include assembling ingredients needed to prepare a meal, baskets of fruit or veggies, a dish of a prepared meal, foods cooking on the grill or food…

TWOQC seeks donations for baby shower

Janice Pell To support military personnel and families, once again The Women of Quail Creek will be hosting a baby shower for expecting mothers of the armed forces. Twenty five National Guard moms to be will be feted at the August event. All Aboard Noah’s Ark is the theme of this year’s shower. Join the…

TWOQC learns about book festival

Janice Pell Marcy Euler, Executive Director of Tucson Festival of Books, was the featured speaker at The Women of Quail Creek general meeting on February 24. Marcy shared the background of the festival beginnings and its rise to become the fourth largest book fair in the country in just six years, attracting over 120,000 attendees…

TWOQC February meeting notice

Janice Pell Monday, February 24 at 10:00 a.m. in the ballroom, The Women of Quail Creek will be treated to an insider’s preview of the upcoming Tucson Festival of Books. Guest speaker Marcy Euler, executive director of the event, will share valuable suggestions for attendees ranging from tips on finding the best parking spaces to…

The Women of Quail Creek plan March trip to Amerind

Janice Pell March 31 is the date for TWOQC annual spring bus trip and luncheon. The Amerind Museum and Art Gallery in Dragoon will be this year’s exciting destination. Located among the spectacular hills of Texas Canyon in the Dragoon Mountains, the Amerind is an anthropological and archaeological museum and research center with an outstanding…

The Women of Quail Creek celebrate the holidays

Marilyn Miller TWOQC A Whimsical Holiday Luncheon was held on December 9 in the Madera Clubhouse Ballroom. Following a short business meeting and a delicious lunch, the Tucson Women’s Choir performed for the over 200 ladies attending. At the end of the choir’s performance the choir director, Karlenna Ravenwood, invited some of TWOQC ladies to…

Chinese Tea Ceremony

Marilyn Miller At the November meeting of TWOQC, Zhuping Hodge, a certified Chinese Tea Master and owner of Seven Cups, a teahouse in Tucson, presented an authentic Chinese Tea Ceremony. Everyone attending the program had the opportunity to sample tea brewed from hand selected Chinese tea leaves and freshly brewed by Zhuping. A drawing was…