Tag: Tips

Helpful Tips for Renting or Leasing Your Home

For many in Quail Creek, living here year-round is the way of life. For others, long travel or months in another city are the norm. For those folks, renting or leasing their home is something that is just a great idea. Below is a simple checklist for residents considering renting or leasing their Quail Creek…

Relishing Pickleball: New Player Tips

David Zapatka New to pickleball and want to improve quickly? Try these tips: * Seek out a mentor to help you learn the game. Talk with experienced players to glean information and helpful tips. Try what they suggest. Practice using their advice. * Serve deep and into the middle of the opponents’ court. Do not…

Relishing Pickleball: Countering the Slice Shot

David Zapatka Last month we discussed hitting slice returns of serve and dinks. This month we are discussing how to counter the opponent’s slice returns and dinks. Consider using these strategies to counter the opponent’s slice shots. * Hit through the spin using a flat drive shot. By driving the ball, you are countering the…

Garden Pruning Refresher

Bonnie Nowicki With spring just around the corner, perhaps you are asking yourself what landscape plants you should be pruning or trimming now. Here in the low desert, it is possible to prune any time of the year. But pruning outside the recommended guidelines may diminish blooms the following year. It is appropriate to remove…

Don’t Smell the Dishes!

Jeff Alan Many years ago when I was living in Utah with my family, I had an unusual problem with my family that I had never had before. At the time, we also had a family dog. My job when I was living at home with my family was to wash the dishes. Since we…

Tips on How to a Spot Scam

Joyce Shumate The Green Valley Sheriff’s Auxiliary Volunteers Scam Squad (GVSAVSS) will present a seminar on spotting scams. Sponsored by the QC Computer Club, the meeting will be held at the Kino Center, Mesquite and Ocotillo Rooms, on Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 6 p.m. The purpose of the Scam Squad is to be proactive. It…