Tag: Meetings

Nurses Discover Our Local History

Janine Baxter The February event of the Nurses of Quail Creek was both enjoyable and educational, featuring a presentation by the Santa Cruz Valley Historical Society (SCVHS). Three knowledgeable members of SCVHS, including Mary Chernoski, a longtime Quail Creek resident, provided insights into how our area transitioned from a quiet agricultural, ranching, and mining community…

Board of Directors Meetings

Melani Caron Attending board meetings is a great way for everyone to stay in the know and a means to keep rumors at bay. The Quail Creek Board of Directors meetings are held quarterly, with the first meeting of the year being held on Monday, Feb. 17, at 10 a.m. The Association’s business is conducted…

Quail Creek Book Club

Mary Greer “This is my very own book,” explained a four-year-old boy, showing me pages of beetles, spiders, and other crawly things. He chose this book from more than 100 books donated by the Quail Creek Book Club. Each year members bring new books to the holiday party, which are then distributed to the Sahuarita…

RV Club at Catalina State Park

Mary Jensen If you ask anyone who went on the Catalina State Park trip with the QC RV Club in early October, what they remember most is moths! I know, it’s not a good way to start off a story about a very fun RV adventure, and it was always when we gathered around the…

Republican Club Election BBQ a Big Success!

Rich Ulery More than 100 members of the Quail Creek Republican Club gathered on Oct. 18 at Longhorn Bar & Grill in Amado for the 2024 Election Barbeque. President Pat Colburn welcomed all the attendees and introduced Republican candidates running in the Nov. 5 General Election. All three of our state legislative candidates, Reps. Gail…

September Photo Contest

Bruce Hartsell The Photography Club of Quail Creek recently announced the winners of the September photo contest, which focused on Motion. Shari Rogers won first place with I Believe I Can Fly, a photo of a dog doing Fast CAT, which stands for Coursing Ability Test (running 100 yards while chasing a lure). She said…

Third Quarter Photo Challenge Winners

Bruce Hartsell Members of the Photography Club of Quail Creek recently voted to select winners in the Third Quarter Challenge, which focused on subjects starting with the letter “S.” Tom Cadwalader won both first and second place. The first-place image, Wyoming Sunset, taken from an overlook in Moran, Wyo., is an HDR merge of 2…