Science Club Goes to the Flandrau

Ted Myrick

The Science Club traveled to the University of Arizona Flandrau Science Center & Planetarium on Sept. 13 for a “Big Astronomy” program. It was a video journey to three world-class observatories in Chile’s rugged Andes Mountains and arid Atacama Desert—remote, extreme regions that happen to have the perfect conditions for astronomical research. Along the way, we met an inspiring cast of astronomers, engineers, technicians, and support staff who keep these mega-machines running. There was an interesting Tucson connection: Two of the three observatories that were featured had the mirrors made at the University of Arizona Mirror Lab!

Following the video presentation, there was a live star talk about the science that the Hubble and the James Webb space telescopes have gathered.

The Science Club meets every Monday (except for federal holidays) from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Madera clubhouse Gold Room. Join us for presentations and discussions on a wide variety of subjects, such as astronomy, geology, demographics, environment, infectious diseases, and weather. There is no membership fee.