The QCRC board tour at emergency water tank

Patric Hendershott, QCRC treasurer, and Rich Ulery, QCRC president, present a check to Alton Zhang, University of Arizona College Republicans president.
Rich Ulery
The Quail Creek Republican Club (QCRC) is not allowing COVID-19 to stop its activities. Our club has been meeting in person since December with an array of exciting and educational meetings with dynamic speakers, tours, and outreach activities.
In late March, 50 members of the Quail Creek Republican Club took an all-day bus tour of the U.S./Mexico border near and around Nogales, Ariz.
In April, Alexander Kolodin, an election law attorney from Phoenix, addressed our members. He spoke about election integrity issues and the audit of the November Arizona election. Separately, a check from collected donations was made to the University of Arizona College Republicans to help their attendance at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Our May meeting featured Tyler Bowyer, Arizona state committeeman for the Republican National Committee and chief operating officer of Turning Point, USA. Tyler provided an update of all the activities occurring with the national Republican Party, along with some key state related issues. On May 17, our club sponsored a non-partisan Arizona voter registration drive in the Madera Clubhouse, as a community service to all Quail Creek residents. Several people visited our table, asked questions, and registered to vote or changed party affiliation. In late May, the club also kicked off The Patriot Project, a campaign to encourage all residents to fly the American flag throughout Quail Creek.
On June 18, the Quail Creek Republican Club will welcome Dr. Kelli Ward, chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party.
The Quail Creek Republican Club is learning, educating, and having fun! For more information, please visit the website at www.quailcreekrepublicans.com.