Alphie Smith
The Quail Creek Library at the Madera clubhouse maintains its status as one of the most appreciated amenities at Quail Creek. All residents are welcome to borrow books, jigsaw puzzles, and magazines to enjoy at their own pace and return them to the book carts when they are done. There is no check-out system. Many of the items, like paperbacks and puzzles, are found in the cabinets behind closed doors.
The QC Library belongs to everyone and relies solely on donations from the residents. Limited space allows the library to hold only the most current publications. Donations can be placed in the donation box by the entrance to the library. Any books that are not used are passed on to other charitable organizations.
Nearly 40 volunteers maintain the daily operation of the QC Library. On Nov. 11 many of the library volunteers gathered for coffee, brunch, and to socialize. These individuals, who dedicate their time and efforts to keep the library functioning, also enjoy time together with their colleagues.
The annual meeting of the QC Library will be held on Jan. 15, 2025, at 2 p.m. in the Kino Center. All residents are invited to attend.
New volunteers are always welcome to join the team and give back to the Quail Creek community.