Bill Sheppard, president of the QCMGA, with members of the golf maintenance crew at their Christmas lunch
The Quail Creek Men’s Golf Association (QCMGA) provided lunch for the Quail Creek Golf Course maintenance crews on Dec. 21.
This is the second year we have provided lunch for the maintenance crews. We want to thank them for their hard work in adverse weather conditions throughout the year to keep the QC Golf Course operating.
If it were not for their hard work and long hours in adverse conditions, Quail Creek would not have the best golf course in the Green Valley area.
They start work very early every day, long before most of us get out of bed in the morning, so the members of Quail Creek can enjoy their day playing golf.
Whenever you see one of the crew members, please thank them for their hard work.
The QCMGA members thank you, gentlemen, for all that you do so we can enjoy our day of golf at Quail Creek.