First place won by Denny Huber.

Third place won by Steve Piepmeier.

Second place won by Shari Rogers.
The Photo Club of Quail Creek continued with its monthly member’s contest, with May having the topic of People. Each club member could enter up to three photos taken in the last three years. This subject was a popular one for the members and drew 27 entries. All our entries were very good, making it hard for the judges. All of the photos can be seen on our Flickr site, www.tinyurl.com/y7mxvxem.
Denny Huber won first place with his photo “Visiting.” Denny commented, “This is my mother, visiting my dad’s grave in Carrolltown, Pa. And she is still around. It was a beautiful day in June, with those rolling clouds against a brilliant sky. My mom loves the view from there and who could blame her for wanting to be there forever. This was just a candid pose and she didn’t even know I took the photo. A little cropping and very slight saturation increase were all it needed.”
Denny used a Canon Rebel, shooting at 18mm, 1/1000 sec at f/4.5 and ISO 100. Post processing was done in Photoshop Lightroom.
Shari Rogers took second place with her photo “I See You.” Shari commented, “I was in Show Low spending time at our cabin. My grandson was with me and he hates to get his picture taken. When I try, he becomes very stiff and gets nervous. We were in the woods and he was playing as a typical boy would. I caught him peering around a tree and went for the shot! I love the pic because it shows his character! Very little post processing. I cropped it a little and adjusted shadows and highlights.”
The camera used was a Nikon D3300. The photo was shot at 170mm, 1/640 sec, f/5.3, ISO 800. Post processing was done in Photoshop Elements.
The photo “Cold Water Up in Sabino Canyon” by Steve Piepmeier placed third. Steve said, “With the Buckhorn fire in the Catalina Mountains right now, this is a special memory photo of the incredible treasure of Sabino Canyon National Monument. High water and the tram not operating you could only walk up the canyon. Cold water but one of the great visits to remember, get out, and do it.”
The photo was taken with a Panasonic ZS200, 24mm, shooting at 1/2500 sec, f/3.3, and ISO 200.
The Photography Club of Quail Creek has a monthly photo contest for its members and also schedules numerous photo field trips for members throughout the year. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Kino Conference Center in the Mesquite room. Room venues could vary each month. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are meeting via Zoom. Consult the club’s constantly updated website www.pcqc.org, as well as the weekday HOA “What’s Happening” for additional information.