Paint with Lydia Quezada and family on Friday, Oct. 11, from 10:00 a.m. to noon.
Experience painting a Mata Ortiz pot made by Lydia Quezada and family. Make your brush with children’s hair, paint your Quezada-made pot, while Lydia paints hers and co-sign with the potters.
You can have your pot fired in the Quezadas’ home pit (to be delivered to you at a later date) or take it with you.
No experience is necessary.
The cost is $100, payable by cash or check, and the workshop is limited to 15 pre-paid registrants.
Supplies provided include a pot formed, sanded and polished by Lydia, Pabla and Moroni Quezada; brush handle; children’s hair; and slip.
The workshop kicks off the Mata Ortiz Pottery and Zapotec Weaving Show, which runs Oct. 11 to 13, in the Kino Conference Center next to the Quail Creek pro shop and the Grill at 1490 E. Quail Range Loop, Build. 1 in Sahuarita.
To register, email [email protected]. Once confirmed, Vicki and Ron will provide payment instructions.