Photos of the Year

TWOQC Scholarship Applications Are Now Available Online!

New! Afternoon Open Play Pickleball

Quail Creek Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association

Donna Yuritic—A Passion For Tennis

Hilary Wade A native of Chicago, Donna Yuritic has taught and played tennis for more than 30 years in the U.S. and Europe and is the tennis pro at Quail Creek Tennis Club. Donna spent many years in Scottsdale before researching 55-plus communities away from the hustle and bustle of a big city. She was…

The Women of Quail Creek Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Sharon Pulcinella The Women of Quail Creek (TWOQC) celebrated a significant milestone on March 18: our 20th anniversary! We remember with gratitude founders Joy O’Farrell, Joann Street, Carolyn Ireland, Suellen Vatter, and Jan Howard who held their first meeting of the organization they simply called “The Women of Quail Creek” in March of 2004. Forty…

Learn to Dance

Kathi Bobillot It’s an investment in your health, marriage, and social life. Swing–Level 2 Thursdays, April 25, May 2, and May 9, from 6:30 to 7:25 p.m. Also known as the jitterbug, this is the single-time East Coast swing. Level 2 is for students who have had basic lessons, need a refresher, or want to…

What Is a TWOQC Named Scholarship?

Inna Shames Perhaps you’ve noticed that there have been several named scholarships featured recently by The Women of Quail Creek (TWOQC) honoring loved ones. Wondering what it’s all about? We have the answers to your questions. A TWOQC named scholarship is a designated scholarship fund named after a specific individual, perhaps a loved one who…