Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Fashion show to benefit cancer research

Peggy McGee Tickets for a fashion show cosponsored by The Women of Quail Creek and the Quail Creek Fights Back Relay for Life team to benefit cancer research were on sale from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Monday, December 9 in the Madera Clubhouse lobby. Tickets will sell for $25.00. The show to be…

Computer Club news

John Hockemeier On December 10 the Quail Creek Computer Club held its annual Open House at the Computer Lab. Visitors were introduced to some of the new equipment and software acquired throughout 2013 including iMacs, Windows 8 touchscreen, color laser printer and router. Three Open House door prizes, a Paperwhite Kindle Reader featuring a display…

Cost of golf at Quail Creek

Tim Phillips The budget has been approved and golf fees loom ahead for all of us for the 2014 calendar year. So what is golf going to cost each of us in 2014 whether as a green fee player, punch card player, guest, or our annual dues paying member? For those who want to know…