Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Performing Arts Guild selects spring play; auditions cast

The Performing Arts Guild of Quail Creek has approved Davey Jones’ selection of Moon Over Buffalo by Ken Ludwig as the 2014 spring play. Paul White, PAG’s President, so thoroughly enjoyed the play and saw so much potential in the script that he agreed to be the show’s director and will be assisted by Karen Doyle.…

Photography Club goes on Bisbee Home Tour

About one half the members made the 96 mile trip to Bisbee to take pictures of the 31st annual Historic Home Tour of Bisbee. The event is sponsored by the Bisbee Women’s Club as a fundraiser for local charities. It is regularly held on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving and coincides with the beginning…

QCLGA hosts rules seminar

The QCLGA hosted a Rules Seminar presented by USGA official Jeff Probst on January 30. Assisted by Golf Pro Joel Jaress and Rules Chairman Bonny Wilcox, Jeff covered everything from bunker obstacles and snakes to water hazards and lost balls. It was an excellent review for the members of the club and greatly appreciated by…

PCQC takes a photo shoot to Barrior Viejo

  Robert Thoresen After four years the PCQC made a return trip to the Barrio Viejo for a doors and window photo shoot on January 7. The Barrio is the third oldest barrio in the city dating back to the 1800s. In reality it comprises three smaller barrios, El Libra, El Hoya and El Merribrillo,…