Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

En-Joie Golfing

Ron and Vicki Sullivan Quail Creek is a wonderful retirement community located in a historic desert river valley with lots of activities to participate in both on and off the property. One of its largest on-site attractions is golf. Designed by Ken Kavanaugh, the championship Quail Creek course is enjoyed by golfing enthusiasts year round.…

Desert Duffers make an Easter donation to local area charities

Wally Ueberschar On Thursday, April 2 Quail Creek Desert Duffers representatives John Peters, Ron Macuga, Frank Hewitt, Ron Courson and Bill Trefethen delivered 30 hams to the Continental School District and a monetary donation to the Green Valley Food Bank. We want to thank all the members for their generous donations and a special thank…

Doug Adams ascends to the top in Stairs and Ladders

Second Place: Pete Murphy - Taos Pueblo

Robert Thoresen The imaginative board of the Photography Club of Quail Creek (PCQC) did not create a new children’s board game but engineered a March photo contest theme to challenge club members to make expressive and interesting images of climbing devices. There were about thirty entries this month and, surprise, no ties! Doug Adams’ first…

TWOQC enjoy spring outing

Ladies learn about artist Ted DeGrazia.

Janice Pell It was a perfect sunny spring day in March when The Women of Quail Creek took their annual field trip. Traveling by buses, 93 members of the club visited both the DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun and the Tucson Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures. At both museums groups enjoyed guided tours that…

Gregory Wolfe – A Rod Stewart Tribute, May 24

Gregory Wolfe—The Rod Stewart Tribute will be performed on Sunday, May 24, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom. A cash bar opens at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $20 per person. Gregory Wolfe has been singing from a very early age but it wasn’t until his late 20s when he realized that…

TWOQC summer luncheon

Folklorico dancers to perform at TWOQC luncheon.

Janice Pell Monday, June 29 The Women of Quail Creek will have a summer luncheon in the Ballroom. The theme for the day will be American Cowgirls Celebrate the Fourth. Ladies are encouraged to dress in the spirit of the day by donning western duds and/or wearing patriotic colors. Photos will be taken. The bar…