Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

October Photo Contest Winners

Bruce Hartsell The Photography Club of Quail Creek announced the winners of the October photo contest on the theme of “Eerie” or “Spooky.” Shari Rogers won first place with Feed Me. Shari reported her experience: “When you see a topic like Spooky, you think, ‘Let’s see what can I find!’ Off to the Halloween store…

Lapidary and Jewelry Club

‘Tis the season at Quail Creek and at the Quail Creek Lapidary and Jewelry Studio. Come shopping for your friends and family at the studio’s display window at the Tech Center. We have very talented artists in our group who have created many one-of-a-kind gifts to make your holidays truly memorable. Come see us! Happy…

All Things Autumnal!

Pam Hartwell-James Joy Richardson hosted the Nov. 18 In My Kitchen event, and it was fragrant fall flavors and fall colors all the way! The menu reminded us that at this time of year, we are inevitably inspired to transform our kitchens with autumn vibes. Starting with a beautifully baked turkey pot pie, then topping…

Thank You, Quail Creek!

The Quail Creek Fights Back Relay For Life annual Garage Sale donations filled at least 10 tables on the driveway of 2494 E. Bluejay Bluff Lane for the Relay team to sell. At 6 a.m. helpers came out of the dark to set up tables and start taking boxes of items and larger items out…