Piñata Factory Does Easter

Where in the World Is the ‘Crossing’?

Writers and Poets Club

Photography Club Announces Quarterly Challenge Winners

When Life Gives You Lemons!

Q1 2022 Quarterly Challenge: Still Life

The Photo Club of Quail Creek just completed its 13th quarterly photo challenge, which had a theme of “still life.” Each club member could enter up to three photos, which had to be taken within the calendar quarter. And the photographer/artist could post-process the photo in any way, including using Photoshop filters and manipulation. This challenge…

May Update for the Coyote Course Renovation

Quail Creek Renovation Task Force Wow! What has happened to our Coyote golf course? We were told that once the contractor got going, there would be a lot going on. The other day, we counted guys working on four golf holes. Here is our update: The contractor has made a connection into the existing irrigation…