Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Curb Appeal

The curb appeal of our community depends on each resident maintaining his or her property as completely as possible. For those who keep their homes and yards well maintained, the association thanks you for your efforts and good examples. We encourage all residents to pay particular attention to the following maintenance items. Before starting projects…

Anza Athletic Club Schedule of Classes

Schedule subject to change – Check Anza or website Jan. 15 through Feb. 14, 2024 – Note: Most classes are 55 minutes in length. CLASS                DAY/TIME        LOCATION        INSTRUCTOR Body Blast        T,TH 10 a.m.        Cholla Studio        Lorraine Beaver Classic Fitness        T,TH 11 a.m.        Cholla Studio        Lois Bossert Fit & Strong        T,TH 8 a.m.        Cholla Studio        Mari Palazuelos Gentle Yoga        SA 9:15 a.m.        Cholla Studio        Gail Johnson Gentle Yoga Stretch        F,SA 8…


January 15 through February 15 Clubs and Organizations Daily Activities and Special Events For Creative Arts and Technology Center (CATC) schedules, please refer to the listings at each individual studio. For any Yoga or Tai Chi classes, etc., please contact Anza Athletic Club. The Crystal Ballroom, Gold, Zinc, Copper, Turquoise, and Silver Rooms are located…

1,322 Pounds of Food!

Jerry Gardner In May 2022 the Quail Creek Rainbow Club met to discuss philanthropic opportunities and decided to sponsor a local food bank. “The club wanted to do something to support underserved communities in our area and considered several options,” says Bob Lane, a Rainbow Club coordinator. “We agreed the Arivaca Human Resource (AHR) food bank…

Third Annual Elf on a Shelf Round Robin Social

Sunny skies, no wind, Santa Claus (Paul Hauser), his elf (Linda Olsen), and 72 players made a memorable Christmas round robin. After six games, players and nonplayers enjoyed a pizza and salad lunch topped off with abundant desserts. The courts were decorated by the Social Committee, and a group of elves created a string of…