The Quail Creek Fights Back American Cancer Society Relay For Life team is offering sponsorship signs at the April 1 American Cancer Society Relay For Life event at Rancho Resort. The signs will be in honor of a cancer survivor or in memory of someone who lost their cancer battle. It is $100 for one sign or $250 for two signs plus the day of the event sponsor announcements. The sponsor signs are 8.5 by 11-inch designed signs that will be attached to official Relay H-frame signs. They are designed in honor of or in memory of the name of a friend, a family member, a whole family, a neighbor, etc. A business sign might include a name, contact information, or a logo. A Quail Creek neighborhood or a unit might donate individually to sponsor one sign in honor of or in memory of neighbors in Quail Creek.
At Rancho Resort Park, 15900 S. Rancho Resort Blvd., signs will be posted around the sidewalk where teams of individuals will walk laps viewing the names on the signs. Teams keep a teammate walking or sitting on the track from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., representing that cancer never sleeps.
For more information about how to get a sponsorship sign and the team’s challenge to raise dollars for the American Cancer Society to fund research grants for the University of Arizona, contact Ginny Hutcheson at [email protected].
Go to to sign up for the Quail Creek team.