Whatever the weather (except heavy rain) throughout the year, the Lady Putters gather to challenge themselves on the putting green; photo by Sylvia Butler.
Peggy McGee
Throughout the year, the Lady Putters meets every Wednesday at the putting green for an hour of camaraderie and challenge, some with the hope of improving their score on the golf course. Each week they putt 18 holes amid laughter and encouragement from their teammates.
Ladies are invited to try out the group twice before making a commitment to join. Dues are $15 for the year. If someone wants a visor, there is an additional $10 fee. There is a $1 weekly fee for putting.
From now until the end of April, putting begins promptly at 10:00 a.m., with check-in beginning at 9:30 a.m. To beat the heat, the ladies start their putting at 8:30 a.m. with check-in at 8:00 a.m. from May through the end of October. Every six weeks, they gather for lunch to celebrate the victories achieved during the previous six week period.
Beginners welcome; the more experienced Putters are always willing to share a few tips. Check out their website, quailcreekputters.com for more information.