Flight Five Low Net Patti Zimmerman and Linda Ulery.
Flight One Low Net Alice Dyke and Sherry Caldwell.
Flight Two Low Gross Nelda Jenkins and Roz Harrison.
Flight Two Low Net Karen West and Lynda Detman.
Flight Three Low Gross Diane Clavin and Kathy Linn.
Flight Three Low Net Kathy Brennan and Dianne Turner.
Flight Four Low Gross Robin Brannan and Cheryl Dietz.
Flight Five Low Gross Jo Palowez and Sandy Hedlund.
Flight Four Low Net Kate Schwartz and Kathy Brogdon.
Flight One Low Gross Mary Campbell-Jones and Nancy Quesenberry.
Overall Low Net Judy Murray and Gail Bosewell.
Overall Low Gross Theresa Stein and Kathy Cox.
Debbie Scott
The Quail Creek Ladies Golf Association would like to thank everyone for their support and generosity.
Our Mardi Gras in the Valley Member/Guest Tournament, April 17 and 18, was truly memorable and we are grateful for our hole sponsors: Quail Creek Rentals, Green Valley Airport Connection, Kathy Westerburg-Tierra Antigua, Justine Lewis-Long Realty, Sherry Courson-Long Realty, Skip Francisco Insurance, Dr. Robert Sherman, Chiropractor, Beth Davis, Bobbi Jo Rathvon, Dian Simmons, and Marie Cook.
Thanks to all our members and guests for participating and for raffle prize and door prize donations.